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DirectPlay8 Groups in VB

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2 comments, last by mark-c 22 years, 7 months ago
Hi Could somebody give me an example of how to create a directplay8 group in vb. What I cant quite understand is does directplay give me the GroupID or can I supply it. What I want to do is to have a number of directplay groups related to map locations. So ideally I can create a group referenced to that location. Thanks
Private Sub CreateGroups    Dim Info As DPN_GROUP_INFO    With Info        .lInfoFlags = DPNINFO_NAME        .Name = "Groupname"    End With    intCurrentGroup = 0 ''//Create group 1    Call objDPServer.CreateGroup(Info, DPNOP_SYNC)End SubPrivate Sub DirectPlay8Event_CreateGroup(ByVal lGroupID As Long, ByVal lOwnerID As Long, fRejectMsg As Boolean)    ''//If creating the race groups        RaceGroups(intCurrentGroup) = lGroupID  ''//Set the groupid to the last created group (done synced)End Sub 


www.persistentrealities.com for Inline ASM for VB, VB Fibre, and other nice code samples in C++, PHP, ASP, etc.<br/>Play Yet Another Laser Game!<br/>
Ah well since you put it like that..


I dont know about other people, but I sometimes struggle with the VB samples that Microsoft uses. Its like they always treat VB as an afterthought.

It certainly would be a lot easier if the CreateGroup call would return the groupid and not the Async handle...
www.persistentrealities.com for Inline ASM for VB, VB Fibre, and other nice code samples in C++, PHP, ASP, etc.<br/>Play Yet Another Laser Game!<br/>

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