
Getting Feedback On Any Game

Started by May 18, 2015 08:29 PM
2 comments, last by Thaumaturge 9 years, 3 months ago

Hi, I have been working on a game in Unity for some time now and have become numb to the overall game experience it creates. I am looking for someone who also has experience designing games to take a look at my game and give some feedback. Is there a better way at going about this or should I just post a demo of my game somewhere and see what happens. Does anyone have experience getting proper feedback?

Post it on this forum in "Your Announcements" and state that it's a beta that you want feedback on. You'll likely be bombarded with constructive criticism.

Note that this might be a bit blunt depending on who gives it, but always well intentioned and you'll learn lots. I certainly have :)


Hi there,

There are generally four methods to get valuable player data for your game.

(1) Let players test your game and ask for open feedback (e.g., by posting it in Your Announcements).

(2) Let players test your game and ask them to take a survey. Survey design is a very rigurous process requiring pre-testing and testing of survey questions. Data from a well-designed survey that has gone through proper testing can be very valuable, but data from a survey that has not been properly tested can be very harmful if taken seriously.

(3) Observe players' reactions as well as actions in-game while they're playing your game—most valuable if players are not aware they are being observed.

(4) Gather metrics directly from player input.

All of these methods have their strengths and limitations. You get a wider perspective the more of the methods you use.

Good luck with your game devin',


If I may jump in, is "Your Announcements" the right place to post requests for feedback? Looking (admittedly briefly) at the first few pages there, I don't see a lot of feedback being given; indeed, I see quite a few threads with no replies at all. In all fairness, however, I may well just be missing the right threads, or there may currently be a lull in threads; quite a few of the threads in those first few pages seem to be, well, announcement threads.

I would have expected this to be the appropriate sub-forum for gameplay feedback, at least.


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

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