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Java Kryonet server never sends connected() packet?

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0 comments, last by hplus0603 8 years, 11 months ago

I'm using kryonet for a small multiplayer game I've been working on. It's been working fine until I tried to create a runnable jar with gradle's "desktop:dist" command. The command works but the runnable jar doesn't connect to the server properly. When reading the server's output I can see that their is some sort of connection made because the servers disconnect() function is called when the client end times out. Again, if I just compile and run with "desktop:run" everything works as excpected.

I'm stuck, and this is the first networking I've tried with java. Has anyone experienced something similar? The only quasi related errors I could find through google said binding and connecting to both UDP and TCP on the client/server would fix the problem. My code already connects to both.

Someone save me!

colby@monkeybuckets ~/attempt $ sudo ./gradlew desktop:dist
Configuration on demand is an incubating feature.
:core:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:core:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:core:classes UP-TO-DATE
:core:jar UP-TO-DATE
:desktop:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:desktop:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:desktop:classes UP-TO-DATE


Total time: 6.612 secs

package com.evergeen.attempt;

import java.util.*;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.*;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo;

public class GameServer
	Server server;
	Kryo kryo;
	LinkedList<ServerPlayer> players;
	LinkedList<Connection> connections;
	PlayerUpdateRequest updateRequest;
	PlayerUpdatePack updatePack;
	NewPlayerPack npp;
	LinkedList<String> chat;
	public static void main(String [] args)
		GameServer gameServer = new GameServer();


	public GameServer()
		System.out.println("Instance Created...");
		connections = new LinkedList<Connection>();
		chat = new LinkedList<String>();

	public ServerPlayer playerWithId(int id)
			for (ServerPlayer player: players)
				if(player.id == id)
					return player;

		System.out.println("No player with that ID");
		return null;

	public boolean runServer()
		server = new Server();

		kryo = server.getKryo();

		players = new LinkedList<ServerPlayer>();

    		 	server.bind(5500, 6500);
			System.out.println("Server Running...");
		catch (Exception e)
			System.out.println("Couldn't bind to port tard ass");


		server.addListener(new Listener()
				public void received(Connection connection, Object object)
					//System.out.println("Recieved packet...");
					if (object instanceof ChatPack)
						System.out.println("Recieved chat pack from: " + connection.getID());
						ChatPack pack = (ChatPack) object;
						pack.id = connection.getID();
						//Let all players know that isn't self
						for (ServerPlayer player: players)
							//if(player.getConnection().getID() != connection.getID())
					if (object instanceof PosPack)
						PosPack pos = (PosPack) object;
						System.out.println("Player with ID: " + connection.getID() + " is moving.");
						pos.id = connection.getID();
						for (ServerPlayer player: players)
								if (player.getID() != connection.getID())
									System.out.println("Sending movement update...");

					if (object instanceof PlayerUpdateRequest)
						System.out.println("Responding to update request from: " + connection.getID());
						//updatePack = new PlayerUpdatePack();
						//updatePack.connectedPlayerCount = players.size();
						for (ServerPlayer player: players)
							if (player.id != connection.getID())
								NewPlayerPack pack = new NewPlayerPack();
								pack.id = player.id;
								pack.x = player.x;
								pack.y = player.y;
								System.out.println("Sending new player pack to: " + player.getConnection().getID()); 
								player.getConnection().sendTCP(new NewPlayerPack());


		server.addListener(new Listener() {
				public void connected(Connection connection)
				//connection.sendTCP(new float[] {5.0f, 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f});
					System.out.println("Player connecting to server...");
					ServerPlayer newPlayer = new ServerPlayer(connection);
					newPlayer.id = connection.getID();
					System.out.println("New player's ID is: " + newPlayer.id);

					//notify players of new connection
					for (ServerPlayer player: players)
						if (player.getID() != newPlayer.id)
								System.out.println("Sending NPP to " + player.getID());
								npp = new NewPlayerPack();
								npp.id = newPlayer.id;
								npp.x = newPlayer.x;
								npp.y = newPlayer.y;		

					for (ServerPlayer player: players)
						if (player.getID() != newPlayer.id)
							System.out.println("Packing player: " + player.getID());
							npp = new NewPlayerPack();
							npp.id = player.id;
							npp.x = player.x;
							npp.y = player.y;
							System.out.println("Sent NewPlayerPack(ID,X,Y): " + npp.id + "," + npp.x + "," + npp.y); 	
					System.out.println("Player connected to server with ID: " + newPlayer.getID()); 

		server.addListener(new Listener() {
				public void disconnected(Connection connection)
					System.out.println("A player has left the server");
					int id = -20;
					for (ServerPlayer player: players)
						if (player.id == connection.getID())
							id = player.getID();

					for (ServerPlayer player: players)
						DCPack dc = new DCPack();
						dc.id = id;


		return true;
This seems like a Java packaging problem, not strictly a networking problem.

What you should focus on is this: What is the difference between "run" and "dist"?

For example: Does it use obfuscation? Does your code (or networking) use method names/reflection, that might break because of that?

If you can make an exhaustive list of all the things that differ between "run" and "dist," then figure out how each of those things might affect your networking code, then you will have the solution.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

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