
Game Programmer - Portfolio Feedback

Started by September 10, 2016 05:32 PM
10 comments, last by Xperience 8 years ago

Hi guys,

I'm starting my first year at university next month. I would like to get a part time job in some small indie team or any kind of job through internet(royalty work etc.). Therefore I'm building up my portfolio website:
I would love some feedback and advice. Thank you.

Link is 404 :( Redirects back to homepage.

Steven Yau
[Blog] [Portfolio]


Thank you for warning, one time it is working, the other it's not, therefore I would like to freeze this topic, until I buy domain. Thank you.

EDIT: I bought new domain and updated my previous post.

LOL, I like the tact on the space ship ui. :)

Developer with a bit of Kickstarter and business experience.

YouTube Channel: Hostile Viking Studio
Twitter: @Precursors_Dawn

Generally pretty good. A few things I would change:

- Not keen on the 3D effect on the screenshots on the personal project page

- I would put the videos before the screenshots on each individual project

- Change the embedded YT player to allow the timeline so I can scrub back and forth on the video (it allows viewers to quickly get to the good bits)

- Change the website title to not have 'Template'

- The GitHub icon is not obvious that you can click on it to get to the source (at minimum, move it to be on the same row as the exe download icon)

- I would have the GitHub pages link back to your portfolio

- Your screenshots are all square with black borders on top and bottom? They should just be the right size (ie no black border top and bottom)

Steven Yau
[Blog] [Portfolio]

Thank you for your feedback.

I've made some changes based on your suggestions, but what's wrong with 3D effect? About embedded YT player, I've send mail to support, so right now I don't know, whether I can change it.

Can I get summer internship in bigger company(with my portfolio and my skills)? What about resume?

but what's wrong with 3D effect?

It's unneeded and looks very MySpace/90's. It also skews the image in a not very nice way.

About embedded YT player, I've send mail to support, so right now I don't know, whether I can change it.

Is this more to do with the site creation software you are using?

I would also remove every project below KULA WORLD as they don't add anything to your portfolio and detract from your best work.

Can I get summer internship in bigger company(with my portfolio and my skills)? What about resume?

If you are applying directly in your home country, I can't see anything here that would make think a company wouldn't hire you but that's only based on the portfolio and resume (i.e. I wouldn't reject you for an interview). The lack of a team based project could be a concern but I wouldn't suspect it be too much of an issue.

As for companies outside of your country, that's a different story as they would normally prioritise local talent.

The resume is okay... Maybe add a little bit of meat onto some of the bullet points. E.g.

'Added stealth elements' for what reason? What is it based on? Line of sight? Audio? etc

'Implemented auto targeting system for missiles' Did you use a particular technique?

'Implemented custom system of avoiding static and dynamic objects' For what reason?


Steven Yau
[Blog] [Portfolio]

Is this more to do with the site creation software you are using?

Yes I'm using tool(just drag and drop) to quickly build website.

I would also remove every project below KULA WORLD as they don't add anything to your portfolio and detract from your best work.

Yes, projects below KULA WORLD are quite old(around 3 years +) and not so good, but are 4 game projects + 1 engine enough?

The lack of a team based project could be a concern but I wouldn't suspect it be too much of an issue.

I would like to work on that part. At university, there will be some game classes, therefore I would like to create(join) some team and work on interesting projects.

The resume is okay... Maybe add a little bit of meat onto some of the bullet points. E.g.

'Added stealth elements' for what reason? What is it based on? Line of sight? Audio? etc

'Implemented auto targeting system for missiles' Did you use a particular technique?

'Implemented custom system of avoiding static and dynamic objects' For what reason?


I've read, that resume should be on one page, therefore I didn't want to write too match, but good tips, thank you :) .

Yes, projects below KULA WORLD are quite old(around 3 years +) and not so good, but are 4 game
projects + 1 engine enough?

So, you seem to think quantity is more important than quality. That kind of thinking is going
to hold you back. Stuff that's "not so good" does not belong in a portfolio.

Yes I'm using tool(just drag and drop) to quickly build website.

So, you seem to think speed is more important than quality. That kind of thinking is going to
hold you back. You should invest some time and effort to make the best portfolio site you can.

-- Tom Sloper --

Yeah, I gotta say as somebody who hires others, I find nothing particularly wrong with using templated sites... but that "3D" screenshot effect needs to go. It's horrible.

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