
I need English speakers' advice for my game's title.

Started by November 18, 2016 04:02 PM
17 comments, last by BBeck 7 years, 9 months ago

So I'm working on a game, called "The Most Poser Heroes". It's a little bit of word play since the characters make poses in the game...

Even though it has had that title for a long time now, it wasn't until a few days ago that I though: "Wait, maybe that's not even proper english".

I googled "most poser" and all I get are my own links and only a few other comments around the web.

Like, can you even be the most poser person...? Can you be "more poser" than some else? Is poser an adjective? (it is, in spanish, that's the origin of my mistake).

If it's not, does it even sound like a good kind of bad english... like when you say "I am the intelligentest person in this room!". It's bad english but, still makes sense in a goofy way.

Any thoughts?

What about "The most poseable hero"?

Edit: Wrong word

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Disclaimer: Each post of mine is intended as an attempt of helping and/or bringing some meaningfull insight to the topic at hand. Due to my nature, my good intentions will not always be plainly visible. I apologise in advance and assure you I mean no harm and do not intend to insult anyone.

Well I speak Spanish well enough. How's about you go ahead and post the title in Spanish and we can find an appropriate English title from there?

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

"Poser" is (only) a noun, so "most poser" doesn't really make a lot of sense. That doesn't mean you can't use it as part of your title though, if you like it. It's a little quirky, if your game also has a bit of a quirky vibe to it I don't think it would feel totally out of place.

What about "The most poseable hero"?

Edit: Wrong word

Well, the "poser" part was to describe the gameplay AND to describe the character's personalities.

"Posable" only has one obvious meaning. Its not bad, though. "Posable heroes", I like the sound of it, I'll think about it. Thanks

Well I speak Spanish well enough. How's about you go ahead and post the title in Spanish and we can find an appropriate English title from there?

In spanish was "Los heroes más poseros". Trying to appeal to a "poser" person (as in their personality) and also the fact that in the game you can pose your characters. Like calling a manequin a poser.

"Poser" is (only) a noun, so "most poser" doesn't really make a lot of sense. That doesn't mean you can't use it as part of your title though, if you like it. It's a little quirky, if your game also has a bit of a quirky vibe to it I don't think it would feel totally out of place.

Thanks, this was my biggest fear. I was just thinking calling the game "Posers", but seems hard to google, and I don't want any collision with Poser (the tool).

"Poser" is a common mis-spelling of "poseur", which in English has some pretty negative connotations and can actually be used as an insult. Unless your game actually is about poseurs, I would honestly avoid that title entirely and go with something totally different.

If you do want to keep that connotation, the phrasing I would use might be something like "Poseur Heroes." If you want to keep the general meaning of "someone pretending to be a hero" without the insulting connotations of "poseur", you could go with "Posing as Heroes."

It doesn't translate very well. From your explanation the idea of the name does sound like it makes sense but it comes across as a bad translation. I can't think of a particularly good way to say the same thing in English. The 'most poser' part just doesn't sound right. I recall reading something about Spanish not needing a thing in English that we need. I forget the word but I think it was a long the lines of 'It's raining' where as in Spanish you just say 'raining' (please correct me if I am wrong, I don't speak Spanish at all). Perhaps it's that difference that makes your title work in Spanish but fail to work in English. What about something along the lines of 'Heroic Posers' or 'Heroic Pose( r )' the second one is a little play on the words, where a heroic pose would be what you are doing in your game (posing heroically) but with an 'r' on the end it becomes a hero (or heroic person) who is a poser.

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"The most heroic posers"?

"Poser" is a common mis-spelling of "poseur", which in English has some pretty negative connotations and can actually be used as an insult. Unless your game actually is about poseurs, I would honestly avoid that title entirely and go with something totally different.

If you do want to keep that connotation, the phrasing I would use might be something like "Poseur Heroes." If you want to keep the general meaning of "someone pretending to be a hero" without the insulting connotations of "poseur", you could go with "Posing as Heroes."

I'm pretty sure the OP intentionally wants the "insulting" connotation.

And I would stick with poser, not poseur, since the former seems to be the spelling in common usage (even if technically incorrect).

Heroes of Pose.

Heroes of the Pose.

Maybe add "The Great" or "The Greatest" to the beginning of the title.

Maybe just call it Poser Heroes?

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