
What to expect from a team (survey question, not experiential advice)

Started by March 20, 2017 11:05 PM
10 comments, last by noisechip 7 years, 5 months ago

The number is an approximation. It was the infrastructure change, not the specific count, that cased the extra "M".

There is a big barrier, a real performance block, a set of problems that causes the transition from "we have a team who keeps the servers running" to shift into "we have a division of programmers working on these global communication and consistency issues".

One is "We have some servers for online play". The other is "We have a massive amount of online coordination".

Hi. First to say that this thread is interesting. Also i discover a new book mentioned here that seems really cool.

I think the point of view here is mostly focused on the programming side. What could happen if it turns more to the view of a Game Designer ?

I manage a small team and i need to say that is not easy find nice and talented people. On this thread was said something like all the people is different, and that's true. Everyone has different schedules, time zone...

I would like to mention than aim small could be the best, is not bad that "small" word. If your goal is to build a team i think is the best option. If you go too far there's a high chance that people will left out and a "bad feeling" will remain on the ones keeping the work on the team.

So my advice is to aim small and think more like a Game Designer and maybe too like a project manager.

Hope my opinion will help.

Thanks !

Here the web of my team if you want to take a look :

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