
A Long-Long Browser Game Marketing Post Here.

Started by April 03, 2017 09:42 AM
-1 comments, last by Sam@AMT Games 7 years, 5 months ago

Hi guys and girls,

This gonna be quite a long post, cause I'll try to tell you about what I have done so far, and than ask my questions. So prepare to read quite a bit.

So, who am I?

I'm Sam, I used to work as environmental designer in a strategy game, than I also was doing technical support and community management, and now I'm doing marketing for a web-version of a popular MMORTS title - Battle for the Galaxy, game looks like this, on a gif below:


Finding a thousand of websites

So when I started. It was 1st of August 2016. I was told that the game performs very well on Android, with solid amount of users and purchases, and there are chances it will also become popular on the web. So we decided to find all those websites, who publish games, like Armorgames, Kongregate, Addictinggames and many more - that was our marketing plan - to find all those sites and publish our game for a revenue share.

I have found manually over a 1000 of websites, publishing web-games (mostly European, American and Russian, while it's a lot harder with Asian sites). Some websites require API integration, others agree to use our own solution. Which consists of xsolla payments system, facebook login and our tracking tool. (If interested you can check it here:

So by today, we have 50 partners - gaming website owners, who publish our game on a revenue share basis. But the fact 950 other sites actually didn't join affiliate system makes me sad.

Btw, affiliate system brought us a total of 1400000 DAU for the period, while 550000 out of them were new users.

Different problems you meet when searching for web-publsher

So, then I realized, not everyone wants to make money with our "super exceptional" game, and will decline my proposal due to various reason, like:

  • Only CPA promotion
  • Only cross-platform html5 games
  • Only girls games

Those who actually can and want to publish cannot bring enough users to the game, or otherwise - users they bring are too young and cannot make purchases in our game.

And some other publishers just simply don't have an email address/contact form on their site, mailbox is full, they didn't receive a mail, as it might get lost in spam and other reasons.

And of course there were those publishers who actually bring paying users to the game, and this is wonderful.

Working with existing partners

By the time I realized I cannot make it with quantity of sites, I had to think of making it with quality. So I started working deeper with partners, preparing different promotional materials, sending patch notes, asking for extra home-page promotion every now and then just to get a little higher amount of users.

Generally this works good, and people tend to return if they quit a while ago, and new users come as well.

We have done some other improvements for user experience, like in-client support form, links to facebook community/forum, regular response to public comments, media support covering upcoming patch changes.

For partners on the other hand - we did some improvements to affiliate system, to ease the process for accountants on gathering weekly/monthly data.

All these moves gave us both support from web-users and partners, so we had some higher amounts of users, when we would without them.

Social Networks for the win

Most paying users are in social networks, so APIs from facebook is one of the best moves you can do for a web-version of your game. However, in this topic, I wanted to talk about what can be improved, not what's good enough, so let's move to the next one.

My questions, finally

So, for now I feel like I'm stuck, I cannot find any more quality web-publishers, APIs from the upcoming already added to Confluence and Jira, and I don't have any budget for CPA or any other paid promotion. All I have is a revenue share program.

Can you give me an advice, how do I force remaining 950 sites to publish our game (I tried finding linkedin contacts, sent multiple emails), maybe anyone can refer me? Would be really great. My email is or you can read about affiliate via the link I posted above.

What would you generally advice to do, along with the publishing on websites? What can bring traffic to the game, without CPA. Youtube channels, forums, is it effective, and if so, can you give a step by step guide or refer me as well.

Thanks, and sorry for typos, I didn't proofread this text!

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