
Chinese downloads on iOS down by 90% ?

Started by April 10, 2017 12:14 PM
0 comments, last by C0lumbo 7 years, 5 months ago

For a long while there have been a message on iTunes Connect about changes in the chinese law of cencur and licence. "Chinese law now requires online games to secure an approval number from the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television. ". There is a link to a site in chinese after this. So far I have not noticed anything strange, but after updating my app on the 3:rd of april I have noticed a huge drop in downloads from China. The strange thing is that this drop was not only for the app I updated, but for all my apps. I got a drop in downloads of about 80-90% from China, and it is a big deal since China was one of my top download countries.

Have anyone else noticed this? I am unsure if this got triggered somehow because I made an update to one of my apps and that got me in the spotlight of this, or if this is a general decrease for everyone?

Also, have anyone looked into getting an approval number for China? I read an article and it seems totally crazy insane and involves sending an actual device to the China goverment with the game on it to be approved!:

I've also seen a big drop in downloads from China starting from about the same date. Was bouncing from around 50 to 100 downloads per day in China, just dropped to 10-30 from April 4th.

That said, March seems to have been a good month for us in China, and we've only really dropped to pre-March levels, so my data isn't very conclusive.

I have decided I'm not going to bother chasing Chinese approval.

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