
C but mean C++

Started by May 10, 2017 08:37 AM
9 comments, last by LennyLen 7 years, 4 months ago

Always when i search for C i get tons of posts on forums, videos, blogs where people use C in the title - but they actually mean C++ in almost all cases. This is really annoying if you really want to search for specific things made in C only. Sure i could search C89 or C99 but there are much less results for that than "C", but then i would skip the rare "C" only posts...

It would be so much nicer if people would use the proper namings like: C++, Cpp, or C or Ansi-C or C89 or C99... but thats just my thinking.

What's stopping a search engine from looking at the sequence of characters "C++" and deciding to index the page under "C"?

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]


Same here, @Finalspace. You forgot when the search engines return C# or Objective-C hahaha. This is one of the problems with algorithms that measure popularity of languages.

What's stopping a search engine from looking at the sequence of characters "C++" and deciding to index the page under "C"?

Actually, it's the contrary situation: you want to find "C" posts, but the engine returns "C++" posts. "C++" search will often return "C++" correct results, but "C" search will often return a bunch of other languages that are not C.

What's stopping a search engine from looking at the sequence of characters "C++" and deciding to index the page under "C"?

Actually, it's the contrary situation: you want to find "C" posts, but the engine returns "C++" posts. "C++" search will often return "C++" correct results, but "C" search will often return a bunch of other languages that are not C.

It's subtle but it's the cause of at least part of the problem you're talking about. A page contains a discussion about C++, but the engine categorizes it as C because the ++ is deemed irrelevant. Then you do a search for C and get the page, which is talking about C++.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

For Google-based searchs, and probably others, this works for me in queries:

"C " -"C++" -"C#"

Note the space inside "C " which many engines will see as a complete word, not a word stem matching C++ or C#. Some search engines use "not" instead of the - sign, and specifically excluding the other two languages can help as well.

Am I the only one understanding it the way that he's not complaining about search engines mistaking "C++" for "C", but actually people using "C" as a tag when they are actually talking about c++?


Am I the only one understanding it the way that he's not complaining about search engines mistaking "C++" for "C", but actually people using "C" as a tag when they are actually talking about c++?

well, yeah :D we are extrapolating our anger :'D

Maybe, but I took it to mean search engines from the first line:

Always when i search for C i get tons of posts on forums, videos, blogs where

In in search engines, forums, blogs, and other sites, or other places that allow searches, that's where the option to exclude C++ and exclude C# comes in. While an article tag may be plain C, the innards of the posts tend to have C# or C++ or similar that disqualifies it from the search.

Exclude them and they'll be less likely to appear.

Its not about search only, but also about people write "C" in their articles but they actually mean C++.

Therefore you get most posts about C++, but sometimes they use C++ in the articles, you excluding C++ may help sometimes.

Ah yes i forgot about C#, this is included in all search results as well, but its always in the title so you can skip over it easiely.

Maybe I just don't see this because I don't hunt for pure-C information very often, but... can you provide examples of this? (I'm curious more than anything. I can't imagine people doing this so frequently that it's a massive problem, but I'm happy to be proven wrong.)

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

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