
A new Game Style

Started by June 18, 2017 08:56 AM
21 comments, last by JohnTheRipper88 7 years, 2 months ago

Mona, i have played tons of video games. i have beta tested a lot of videogames as well. 

When i was in my dream it was small and simple features that i experienced that are revolutionary and fun 

and to my knowledge Exist no where.... 


I am no where near a coding master since i just started about an hour after writing this post

and i am just learning how to make a sphere bounce off a platform in the unity game developer....

But when i said thee above quoted i was sincere.

when i get a little more advanced in my knowledge i will be happy to share what it was i experienced in my dream....

The overall idea for the game design wont be a world of difference from most mmorpg's 

It will be the tiny features that are vastly different new and exciting.

i look forward to one day sharing that with you guys since you have helped me with a great amount of knowledge

as far as seeing my dream become a reality... However there is no way i will elaborate on my dream seeing as you guys are vastly more experienced and could easily implement my game changing ideas in a few hours or so.

Just now, VonBeninger said:

Mona, i have played tons of video games. i have beta tested a lot of videogames as well. 

When i was in my dream it was small and simple features that i experienced that are revolutionary and fun 

and to my knowledge Exist no where.... 


I am no where near a coding master since i just started about an hour after writing this post

and i am just learning how to make a sphere bounce off a platform in the unity game developer....

But when i said thee above quoted i was sincere.

when i get a little more advanced in my knowledge i will be happy to share what it was i experienced in my dream....

The overall idea for the game design wont be a world of difference from most mmorpg's 

It will be the tiny features that are vastly different new and exciting.

i look forward to one day sharing that with you guys since you have helped me with a great amount of knowledge

as far as seeing my dream become a reality... However there is no way i will elaborate on my dream seeing as you guys are vastly more experienced and could easily implement my game changing ideas in a few hours or so.


6 hours ago, monalaw said:


So not to split hairs, but how are you able to claim that it's "literally unheard of and Revolutionary" when you admit that you don't know anything about game design in the same breath? 


Fair warning, your post reads like a scam.




1 hour ago, VonBeninger said:

The overall idea for the game design wont be a world of difference from most mmorpg's 

If you want to write a MMORPG on your own, expect it to take not just years, but centuries.  It generally takes large teams of experts several years to make such a game.  And the biggest problem you're going to face has nothing to do with gameplay, but the networking aspect of the MMO part of the game.


@LennyLen  WHat do you mean by the networking aspect of the MMO?

8 minutes ago, VonBeninger said:

@LennyLen  WHat do you mean by the networking aspect of the MMO?

MMO = Massively Multiplayer Online.  For a massive amount of people to be playing at once, all the clients need to be talking to a server.  You also need to make sure that everyone playing is getting the exact same data synchronously (you'll have problems if two players who are, let's say duelling, and one is 1/2 a second behind the other).

As well as the difficulty in coding all that, you'll need a LOT of hardware, which does not come cheap. 

Excellent point lenny. When i get to that point the answers will reveal its self through Effort and determination

You have now entered the world of the developer, we are attempting to dispel the illusions that developers used on you. I know it sounds like we are being rude, the truth is that we want you to see past the lies s that your ideas can start to grow.

1 hour ago, VonBeninger said:

Mona, i have played tons of video games. i have beta tested a lot of videogames as well. 

First, that is like a air passenger saying that because he flew on a plane , he is ready to be a pilot.

Once you start making games you will look at them with new eyes, you will start to see the truth. The same way a pilot flaying as a passenger would be able to tell to have some idea of what the other pilot is doing.


Take for example light in games, each object is responsible for there own light; using a shader. All those lights you see in Unity is just a way to make light act more normal, a guide , nothing more than a illusion, they are just a way of defining a point where theoretically light comes from. If you remove all those lights it will only turn your scene dark, if you tell it to.

Because you see your game has no rules or laws, unless they are defined.

2 hours ago, VonBeninger said:

The overall idea for the game design wont be a world of difference from most mmorpg's

Yes, this will give you all the problems of networking and none of the solutions. That's the thing, people who code this part of the game spend years doing it.

The answer doesn't just one day fall into your lap, they don't "reveal them self", you take the idea, break it apart and learn it bit by bit. 

2 hours ago, VonBeninger said:

vastly more experienced and could easily implement my game changing ideas in a few hours or so.

If only this was true.

Consider this: it takes a student four years to learn one of the skills needed for game development, then four more years to get really good at it with constant practice.

So if one person planed on making a very high quality game, they would have to learn 8 years for graphics, 8 for animation, 8 for sound and spend 8 on programming. 8+8+8+8 = 64 years of there life learning, except there is a catch, if you don't constantly practice a skill it dulls.

For that reason each person often masters one skill then practices others lightly.

What am I getting at?

Simple if your game looked nice in your dream and you want to be the one that makes it look that way, then you will need to become a artist and only do game design as a hobby.

Or hire someone with the right skills to create that art instead, a interruption of your dream.


Then there is how long games take to make, the AAA games you played, there average time is 2-3 years in production. These are games made by teams of over a hundred people working on each part.

No one is going to steal your idea and remake it in a hour. Chances are everyone is to busy using there life to make there own games.

2 hours ago, VonBeninger said:

and to my knowledge Exist no where.... 

So then lets see if we can find it then:

Responsive AI, you can communicate with them in some way. This is just the developer predicting all possible things the player would say, it's a huge waste of time that is why dialogue options are provided instead.

Lots of dialogue choices that each has a unique response. This only works for small games, like the visual novels, the problem is that the amount of responses grow experimental.

Make the players actions have large and significant impact on the game, that means you will spend years making content that players will never even see. Already we spend 2-3 years making a game that doesn't even last a week, this kind of design is a nightmare.

Endless content of any type: this is a impossibility, it cant happen. If you think a game like Minecraft has a endless world, then consider the limited animals and limited types of biomes. It isn't endless, just a rehash of content that already ended.

Crafting system: these are hit and miss. There is also the fact that players are growing bored with them. Implementing them correctly so they work with other mechanics takes a huge amounts of time.

Real time changes to characters: Real time changes to characters. Things like real wounding, dismembered limps, Characters growing wings, growing plants. They have been implemented in may games and then removed, because they waste resources and give little in return. So we fake them instead.

Accurate fighting where you control the weapons: This is what VR is about, giving players a controller that can keep up, very difficult, atleast worth it, just no one has been able to get it all working yet.

AI fighting realistically: This uses FK and IK, there even exists games that use them. The problem is that you can only get one enemy on screen and you have to keep everything else simple.

Weather effects: For any realistic responding weather you have, you need to cut resources away from other things. The easiest to do on this list, not really worth it.

Prediction of any kind: Yes a computer can predict to a limited extent, it just happens that the limited extent is even anywhere near a humans ability.


VRMMO: This would need a real time responsive network, because there will be no way to cover for lag. Considering that we can't even find a good use for VR yet, this is a long way off. 


@Scouting Ninja Yep my idea are still hidden, not included in the list. :) and thanks for welcoming me to the land of game designer. I will be spending the next 4 years on working to understand the mechanics of Unity as well as the coding essentials i will need.


However... I am working on a new venture that should land me a considerable amount of money when it takes of i shall 

be paying some people to do a majority of the work,

Might want to edit out your email if that's your personal

8 hours ago, VonBeninger said:

However... I am working on a new venture that should land me a considerable amount of money when it takes of i shall be paying some people to do a majority of the work,

Just, FWIW... Tech startups in the US typically budget $10k per staff member, per month. A typical AAA game or MMO probably has at an absolute minimum, 1000 man-months of work behind it.... which means you'd need $10M in funding.

Any new venture that can deliver that much money from a tiny bit of investment as a sure thing, is a scam...

It's probably not a good idea to try to make an MMORPG as a new and unknown company as your first product.

This is just one reason why you might feel that your idea is unique -- other people may have had the same idea before, but didn't have the $100,000,000 required to actually create it...

Another reason is that a lot of ideas are literally incompatible with a game being an MMORPG... The speed of light between East Coast USA and South East Asia is a hard limit -- better technology isn't going to reduce that constraint. A 5v5 FPS game doesn't care about geography like this, but an MMORPG must (or cease being massive). Game design is all about working within realistic constraints and cutting back ideas as much as possible to actually produce something good at all. You need to find a compatible mix of technology and game rules, and then condense it into something fun.

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