
Hi! I have a very very good idea of a game but i dont know programming! x)

Started by August 22, 2017 02:54 AM
12 comments, last by the incredible smoker 7 years ago

That article is talking about reproducing things like encyclopedias. The issue there is with the way information is presented, things like formatting and ordering and such. But copyright cannot be used to prevent the spread of information itself. I'm not automatically violating the copyright of an encyclopedia if I learn something from it, then write my own essay on the topic, without explicitly copying the writing itself. In fact that article goes quite at length about this, and includes a paragraph quoted from a judge who specifically mentioned that ideas themselves are not "protected". The general rule is, if it was impossible to convey certain information any other way, copyright cannot apply. Though I must concede one thing: it's quite possible that some countries may have copyright laws which are more draconian. I'm not familiar with the copyright laws of every single country, just my own (the United States).

Anyway, this is all a minor point compared to the point that no one wants ideas. I just happen to be really interested in the topic of the scope of copyright. xD Sorry if I've taken it a bit further than necessary.

7 hours ago, GuyWithBeard said:

Good link!

-- Tom Sloper --


Do you want to make money or just wanto play it ?

Why not post your ideas for everybody on this site ?, its your best chance if your idea is good,

why : because they all copy eachother, only its hard to copy a non existing game.


You should work your game out so its tested if your idea works, who is gonna read lots of text, almost no one.

Else better work it out with pictures / movies / whatever you can do to make it visible.


Since you are not a famous person no one will listen to your idea.

Where does your story start ? : with your name very big : idea made by : YOUR NAME

great idea, starts good already.


Let me tell you i have more then 100 ideas.

Forget it and learn programming and/or modelling first, else you have nothing to say.

Do you have some spare time left ?


S T O P C R I M E !

Visual Pro 2005 C++ DX9 Cubase VST 3.70 Working on : LevelContainer class & LevelEditor

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