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hand over your source code or you get no refund

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23 comments, last by swiftcoder 6 years, 4 months ago

So i just bought scirras construct 3 game making program and ended up finding myself lost in a sea of bugs, but when i said i wanted a refund ...this ... is ... what ... they replied.... they even locked my thread on their forum and demanded that i give them the source code of my game..... 


 and after the thread got locked 


they totally ignored me .... 

unbelievable ... 

















The refund thing aside, the developers are well within their rights to request code that demonstrates the problem. Look at it from their perspective. You're reporting a bug, possibly one they haven't seen. The developers want some way to reproduce it and verify that:

  • that there is a problem at all, and you aren't just misusing their software
  • what the problem is, if it exists
  • that you aren't trying to scam them for a free copy of their middleware (unlikely, but I could see someone trying it)

If you didn't want to give them your source code, you could have offered to put together a minimal project, that is not your actual game, that demonstrates the bug.

They just want to see a project that causes the bug to happen so they can fix the bug and get you working again. From actually reading the forum thread, that has nothing to do with refusing a refund. It's baffling to me that you would construe any of that as "give me your source code or no refund." I get the impression that English isn't your first language, so maybe this is down to a language difficulty, but making multiple posts to rage at them based on a misunderstanding is not helping you, them, or anyone else for that matter. It doesn't in the least bit surprise me that they would lock your threads and ignore you.

the license is only online , and as i said to them i wanted them to deactivate it and then refund me , you cannot run this program without internet, a deactivated licesed cannot be used offline

they refused that there are bugs in their software and demanded that the only was that i get a refund is if i give them the source code, however i simply cannot remove objects or code from the game and then send it over because then its not even the same project that has the bugs , also the bugs are created during the use of their software due to the software running on chrome, also these bugs which i meantioned have already been posted by other people at their bug report forum , these are known bugs

How on earth did you produce enough source code in one day to cause confidentiality issues with letting them diagnose the issue?

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. [https://trist.am]

to be exact here are the bugs as mentioned by other users too 




this is not one days work i have been working on this game for months with the older version of the software

they  deactivated the my license and didnt give me my money back .... pure stealing .

Do you really think a company like that are out to steal your game? 

If it really bothers you that much, ask them to sign an NDA, or as @Oberon_Command said, send them a minimal example that reproduces the bug. 


if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

Does this one project file really contains your full game with all the logic and assets - can you verify it? Normally a project file just links other content together, but does not contain any content. Maybe its just a xml with some engine settings, which are broken now - due to the migration from construct 2 to 3 or something - just guessing.

Also did you double checked if there is a migration guide on their site? Maybe you need to adjust some stuff to make it work - before you actually migrate it.

But your best option, which are already suggested here are to send them a small example that reproduces the bug.


Tom here from Scirra, I'm director of the company. 

We're happy to provide refunds if the product is faulty.  The user did not provide sufficient evidence this was the case, and refused reasonable requests for evidence.

We've sold Construct 2 and Construct 3 to thousands upon thousands customers and very rarely do we get requests for refunds.  For Construct 3, our refund rate is well well below 1%.  So, when someone claims our product is faulty we wish to investigate and promptly fix the issue.

We've never had a customer ever refuse to send me their projects under privacy concerns.  If this is a concern, I would suggest stripping the project down, or trying to recreate the problem in a smaller project.

Secondly, this user sent me very nasty, personally threatening and abusive messages on my personal Facebook.  This was one of the worst examples I've seen in my 6 years running the business.  I will not let anyone bully me into getting what they want.

Thirdly, deactivating his license is standard automated procedure when a payment dispute is raised via Paypal or Credit Card companies.  The license he paid for will be re-activated depending on the outcome of this payment dispute he raised.

We've done nothing wrong here.  Unfortunately running a company, you have to sometimes suffer people like this.

I will not reply to the OP directly because of the revolting things he's said to me in private, but if anyone reading this thread has any specific questions for me or about Construct 2/3 I'm happy to answer them.

Lakeof Red - whatever your issues with the software, the way you were spamming that forum is quite out of line. Posting 5 or 6 separate messages in a row is rude and unnecessary. And you can't expect a reply from support within mere minutes of asking. Waiting a few hours is standard, waiting a day or two is not unusual. I know it's no fun, but that's how it is. It is also completely reasonable for them to suggest some workarounds for you to try, because they have no way of knowing how your browser is set up or what else might be clashing with their software.  They don't have to give you a refund unless the product is clearly faulty, and without you accepting their advice on attempting to repair the product (via troubleshooting steps such as running in Incognito Mode, or trying in a different browser, or sending them a test case), it's hard to see how you'd be entitled to a refund.

Also, I don't understand why you didn't just use the Construct 3 free trial to test compatibility on your actual project before you purchased it? That's what the trial is there for. And if your development has had a setback, why not just go back to Construct 2?


Tom - I routinely refuse to send engine developers a copy of our source code when we're reporting engine bugs. It's unfortunate for everybody but sometimes confidentiality is most important. Do you provide any debug logging files which could be sent instead, perhaps?

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