
D3DX Util, Voodoo2 and strange effects

Started by February 09, 2000 06:32 PM
12 comments, last by AntonyHirst 24 years, 7 months ago
Hi, When rendering with my Voodoo 2 (SLI) I am getting whole polys (and groups of) appearing and disappearing. I can move 1 meter forward from getting an entire scene suddenly on the next render half the scene disappears. 1) In an effort to fix this I have turned off the Z-buffer, any fancy hiden sruface so that I am rendering every polygon in the scene. However, the effect remains. 2) I have placed assertions everywhere so that I know the database is in the correct state. 3) I know the polys are being passed to DrawPrimitve 4) I have no problems at all on my Primary 3D cars (a Cirrus Logic slow thing) in HAL mode. Could it be a quick of initialising with the Direct3DX library? Many thanks, Tony
I''ve used D3DX with a Voodoo 2 before, and experienced no problems.

Do the D3DX samples work fine on your Voodoo 2?
It sounds like you''ve discovered a bug in 3Dfx DX drivers that has to do with SLI. It seems the second card don''t get the polygons it should render.

Have you tried to use the reference rasterizer?
Hi again,

The samples work fine. This is why I''m confused. It must be something I am doing wrong as I just noticed that I get glitches in the primary card too but only in fullscreen. In windowed mode my prmary card is perfect!!

Why would a polygon (or groups of) be ignored by the card. It can''t be the FVFs (all polys would be wrong then) or the textures (I turned them off). No z-buffer (i turned that off too). Could it be my back buffer count? The number of Alpha bits?

In my experiance when things get this bad it is usually a silly mistake or a stupid assumption. I just can''t get my head round what it could be.

Many thanks,

THATS Funny, Im using Voodoo2 SLI with Dx Util, in DX7, every thing works fine. Little slow when close to polys, because of the low fill rate, but Other than that, it works great, if you cant get it to work, Ill give u my setup code, later
Thanks, I''d like to see your setup code, it may be a great help. Popit along to

Cheers mate,

WOW you got that peice of junk wrapper to work on a Voodoo 2? Impressive! Any of the demo applications refused to work when I had a Voodoo2, and I''ve heard other people complain of the same problem. I keep my drivers quite up to date, so I know that''s not the issue. However from my experiance with it, I consider D3DX to be highly unstable and unsutable for a commercial product. But that''s just me.
Joseph FernaldSoftware EngineerRed Storm Entertainment.------------------------The opinions expressed are that of the person postingand not that of Red Storm Entertainment.
Funny you say that because I have been pondering giving up on the D3DXContext and am rewriting the initialisation stuff in long-hand.

I can get D3DX to recognize the Voodoo2 SLI but there is something fundementally wrong with the rendering. It is either me or D3DX. Either way I''ll find it by getting back to the heady and glamerous world if enum functions (sigh!)

BTW, I forgot to say that I get no problems on any card with aprox 1-2 thousand polys. It goes pear-shaped at about 10,000+ polys.

It works in other DirectX apps, and not yours, funny, mines workin great!

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