

Started by February 10, 2000 07:52 AM
2 comments, last by Jonas 24 years, 7 months ago
I have been programming for a year now and I decided to go into DirectX. I have searching the web for some time now, but I have not found a decent tutorial. Could anyone recommend one.
I thought this one was pretty good for beginners.

Direct3D 7 IM Framework programming
yea your best off getting a book, i reomend DX in 24hrs. Your second best bet is the online documentation which is pretty good.


My advice is: BUY A LOT OF BOOKS!

One book never covers all you need.

The only book I can really recommend is Inside DirectX.
It covers dx-version 5. But if you don´t intend to use d3d then it doesn''t really matter.

I would not recommend DirectX Complete. It tries to show you how to make wrapper-classes. I hate that..

-------------Ban KalvinB !

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