
Collision questions

Started by February 13, 2000 12:39 PM
0 comments, last by AndersG 24 years, 7 months ago
Hi, I''ve been making a simple 3d-engine to import 3ds-files and walk trough with collision-detection, but I haven''t found any good sources or docs that explains some form of simple implementation of collision detection. So far I''ve been successful with simple point/plane intersection tests using the dist=DotProduct(P-Q,N) formula where P is the point to test, Q is a point on the plane and N is the normal of the plane. That system only works for infinite planes, as all knows So, what I want to do (If that''s the best way) is make additional tests against 3 other planes which are the boundaries of the triangle... All ideas appreciated I''ve came to the conclusion that this might not be the best way after all, since I use bounding boxes for dynamic objects, and the side of a poly actually might slip inside the corner of another poly, if the vertices of the bounding box are on the outside of a small polygon?? So how do programmers generally solve this? Do they test more than just the points of the bounding-box (normal?) ? Sorry to wear you out, guys, but here''s another question... Is it common to use point(bounding-box)/plane tests for dynamix/static object tests, box/sphere tests for dynamic/ powerups(example) objects and sphere/sphere for dynamic/ dynamic object tests??? That''s what use... Thank''s in advance /Anders G
There are a number of articles on Gamesutra that deal with collision detection:

Point in Poly Stuff

Collision Response

Axis Aligned Bounding Boxes

Simple Intersection Tests (Sweep Tests)

You might also want to do a search for OOB-Trees and the Lin-Canny algorithm. Or look for I-Collide, and it''s derivitive V-Collide, to see examples of two stage collision detection.

Have fun

- genovov

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