
I guess a simple newbie graphics question.

Started by February 17, 2000 10:35 PM
7 comments, last by xellos 24 years, 7 months ago
ok, please forgive me if this question doesn''t make sense becuase I am not sure I have the idea. For tile based programming you take a picture and break it up into individual pieces of some size, right? but how do you take something like a bitmap and break it up into a bunch of tiles?
I think of it more as trying to build an image out of smaller images. Put brick tiles here to build a wall, water tiles here to build a moat, and so on.

If you want to just take a bitmap, and hack it up, there are utilities that let you do that.
know of any good ones?
you use bitmaps that contain images that can be drawn over and over to make up the whole level, for example for the grass in a level you would just use one small bitmap of a grass image then you would draw this one bitmap hundreds of times depending on where the grass is in your level. Hope it helps. Later.

Edited by - Chris F on 2/17/00 10:47:05 PM
"I have realised that maths can explain everything. How it can is unimportant, I want to know why." -Me
I don''t really understand what you just said.
Well I don't know anything about implementing a tile-engine but if you just want to know what one is:

You take a small bitmap (say one called grass) which you have drawn, and you just display it on the screen. You might consider this a patch of grass. Then you display the same bitmap mutiple times (perhaps arranged in a 10x10 grid so that you have 100 tiles of grass). This could be considered a field of grass.

You might also do the same for a river texture. You have a bitmap (called water) and you draw the water bitmap repeatedly on the screen until you have a river.

You basically repeat this process for all the other textures (see bitmaps) say hills (multiple hills become mountains) and trees (multiple trees become a forest).

So you use basic bitmaps (or tiles) as building blocks to make up a complete scene which you have designed.

Is that clearer now?

Edited by - paulcoz on 2/18/00 12:40:38 AM
know of any good ones?
These types of programs are called tile rippers
Search on the web for them using "tile ripper"

A quick search yielded ->a program you can buy

for the ABCs of the subject or if you're going to make your own ->
There is also a very thorough book on side-scrolling tile games called "Action Arcade Adventure Set" by Diana Gruber
I you spot that, it's a gem for tile people. It's DOS graphics but it contains good tile stuff

Building a 2D RPG with skills, weapons, and adventure.
See my character editor, Tile editor and diary at

Edited by - ZoomBoy on 2/19/00 11:18:42 AM

Edited by - ZoomBoy on 2/19/00 11:19:44 AM
xellos, tile based graphics work on the same principle as color palettes. Paint by number , that''s what it boils down to.

ZoomBoy, cool RPG you''re working on

I can''t get enough of your "Errik" drawing, hahahahahaha
quote: Original post by foofightr

xellos, tile based graphics work on the same principle as color palettes. Paint by number , that''s what it boils down to.

ZoomBoy, cool RPG you''re working on

I can''t get enough of your "Errik" drawing, hahahahahaha

Actually I''m converting a current pen + paper RPG campaign over to computer. All the PCs like Errik ,Max, Yfros and Talanor were created and played by my friends. Errik had the nasty habit of shooting into a crowd sometimes nailing other PCs in the back. He had a very negative personality that came out in the drawing. There''ll be a lot of these personality quirks I''ll try to show.

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