
How to display graphics

Started by February 18, 2000 01:31 PM
0 comments, last by Corey 24 years, 7 months ago
I understand that you can use utils like Allegro to store graphics in header files for use with DJPP, what I want to know is if their are any utils out there that I can use to store graphics in header files for use with vc++ console programs written in plain old c. Please Reply Any Help appreciated and thanks in advance P.S if you know any other more efficient ways of displaying graphics other that DX then please post them to thx again
someone correct me if i''m wrong, but in allegro the graphics aren''t actually in the header files the header files just act as prototypes telling your code that the graphics exist. The actual graphics i think were stored in another file, i can''t remember the file extension i haven''t used allegro in a long time.

So what you really need is a resource file to store all your graphics. There is an article on gamedev that deals with this called "Resource Files Explained" that should have what u need, i''ve haven''t created a resource file yet so i don''t know much about the stuff.

finally, i doubt there are any more efficient ways of displaying graphics other than direct x since it actually gives you access to the hardware. The alternative is to use the GDI which is very slow compared to dx.

You should consider using direct x and creating a regular win32 app instead of a console app since you''ll get to use direct x which will probably be faster and make a lot of thing easier.

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