
DirectInput: Restructing an implementation to oop

Started by February 23, 2000 09:05 AM
1 comment, last by Magan 24 years, 6 months ago
I am working on a project with an existing implementation. I am now about to restructure the whole project to oop. Now I have a link problem when splitting up my DirectInput impl to a class. The thing is that INITGUID must be defined before including "dinput.h" in order for "dinput.h" to access DEFINE_GUID macro. That''s ok and I include them both in my class header file. When building my code I get, unresolved external symbol, for example, GUID_SysMouse. I can fix that by including "dinput.h" in my source file but then I have to remove it from the header file and I can''t do that. I''ve tried to include this in the precompiled header but then I got about 40 already defined in every obj file. Am I doing something fatal here? Is there a solution? I mean, there must be but I just can''t see it. /Magan
Try adding in dxguid.lib. Then there is no need for INITGUID
Thank you. I did not know that.


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