
VC++ Autocomplete

Started by February 23, 2000 04:00 PM
1 comment, last by Rah 24 years, 6 months ago
Hi guys/gals, I know this isn''t strictly a directx question, but it didn''t seem to fit elsewhere either so... OK, I remember seeing this in a post a couple of days ago but can''t remember. How can I get vc++ (6) to use it''s "autocomplete" feature on _all_ of my structs/functions etc. etc. (you know... that little white box that appears above showing parameteres etc.). It seems as if it''ll work for the first few weeks, but then it''ll start to not work as I add new functions etc... very annoying Happens every time, too. Is there a fix to this...? In vain I deleted all my project object files etc. but all this did was completely screw autocomplete into not knowing about _any_ of my functions Oh well... Any info? -- Rah
That problem seems to occur often to me too, mostly when I change the struct''s name with another one.

Sometimes, just modifying the cpp files will solve it. ie. put a space and delete it so it recompiles.

One solution (last resort) is to create another project.
Errors in your code can make it stop completing things. Also, some items don''t get directly included (ie. ddraw.h) unless you specifically include them in your project. If you had stuff working and it goes away, and your project doesn''t have errors, try deleting the .ncb file (you''ll have to close your workspace first). This usually fixes it for me.

Mark Fassett
Laughing Dragon Entertainment

Mark Fassett

Laughing Dragon Games

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