
Best Low-Poly modeler

Started by February 25, 2000 10:34 AM
1 comment, last by MaxPoly 24 years, 6 months ago
Hi All. I''m trying to find the best low-poly modeler. How nicely it renders is unimportant because the models will be rendered in my game. I really want a simple cheap program that gives me control over strips and fans and UV coordinates. It also needs to be able to export the data to something I can parse easily. Does anyone know a good tool/solution? Thanks in advance MaxPoly
I know of two modelers:

Blender, Basic features for free. You can pay some money a get more features as you like. (I haven't had the time to try this one yet but it looks impressive)

MilkShape 3D. This is what most people in the FPS mod community talk about right now. It doesn't cost very much, only $20.

Edited by - Spellbound on 2/25/00 10:48:38 AM

MilkShape look like it will do the trick! :-)

I''ve tried Blender. The interface cripples my mind. It should be a crime.


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