
Programming OpenGL for free?

Started by February 26, 2000 11:28 PM
9 comments, last by Hobobo 24 years, 6 months ago
Is there ANY way that I can program in OpenGL for free? If so, how? If not, what''s the cheapest but still not to crappy compiler out there?
Well, I can tell you right off the bat that you can program GL in linux for free. Mesa (a GL implementation) comes free and so does gcc/g++. I believe that djgpp (the port of gcc to DOS/Win32) can compile GL, but I''ve never done it myself.
Well, I got Dev C++ v3.8. Is it possible to program OpenGL in that? The reason I ask is because I tried a tutorial at on OpenGL, and even after I actually downloaded and copied the source and plugged it into my the compiler it didn''t work. Also, how does DJGPP work? I tried it, and the it''s just a bunch of apps that pop up and then instantly close themselves.
DJGPP apps instantly close when you double click them because they are command line apps. Remember, there is a difference between a compiler and a Integrated Development Environment. Also, DJGPP is a DOS compiler, not windows, so you would need a DOS implementation of OGL.

It shouldn''t be too difficult to get NeHe''s samples to work with other compilers. Is Dev C++ a Windows compiler? I''m not familiar with it. If it is you just need to read the documentation thoroughly to find out exactly what you need to do to get Windows apps up and running which .lib format it uses.

You can also go to the Borland site and download Borland C++ 5.5 for free. It''s a command line compiler, not an IDE, so you would need to edit the source in a text editor then type the commands in a DOS window (or the Windows run window) to compile.
Actually DJGPP is indeed a full featured 32-bit compiler, not a DOS compiler. In other words, you don''t need a DOS implementation of GL.

As for DJGPP and GL, aparently Mesa is available for Win32. Here''s a link that gives more information:
Why would you need Mesa in Win32?

Dev C++ has a limitation (at least as of a couple months ago) where you can only use the 8.3 format, but it is a Windoze app.

Sorry! That last part was wrong- I just e-mailed them, and they said that limitation no longer exists. Check it.

Something you might try is getting the aforementioned Borland compiler and TextPad (shareware), then you can set up macros and stuff to do the command line crap for you.


Edited by - LackOfKnack on 2/28/00 2:57:59 PM
Christianity, Creation, metric, Dvorak, and BeOS for all!
But 32-bit DOS and 32-bit Windows are not the same. When I said DOS compiler, my meaning was that you can only compile DOS programs (be they run in a Windows box or straight DOS with a DPMI extender).

As far as OpenGL goes, you do need a different version to compile with DJGPP. Perhaps ''DOS implementation'' was not the appropriate terminology, but you will need something other than the standard Windows implementation. Mesa fits the bill.
Last time I checked DJGPP was indeed a DOS compiler, 32-bit DOS yes, but not Win32. But there is actually a package (RSXNTDJ or something like that) that you can plug into DJGPP and magic, it will do Win32 executables!
Also, you might wan't to take a look at Mingw32, which is a Win32 compiler using either GCC or EGCS. It uses Microsoft's CRTDLL.DLL - so no need for any new DLL's such as the one you need with Cygwin. LCC-Win32 would do the job too, comes with the OpenGL libraries and all, however the compiler is strictly C.

"I think therefore I am...I think"

Edited by - Staffan on 2/27/00 10:37:09 AM
Getting back to the topic (since I'm SO self-centered), can someone point me in the direction of the stuff that I need to make a simple, simple OpenGL program? Also, what exaclty do I do to make Borland/DJGPP work? I read the readme's, but they're not in lameman's english (ex:"Make a brl32.cfg file" wtf?).

Edited by - Hobobo on 2/27/00 10:54:50 AM

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