
Best game story

Started by April 05, 2002 01:17 AM
73 comments, last by Ravuya 17 years, 9 months ago
Final Fantasy 7 has my vote. This was the game that made me go "This is what I want to do for a living - make videogames"

Barret was probably my favorite characer as I was younger at the time when the game came out in '97 in the US and it was a first for me to see any ingame characters swearing constantly.

I was a little confused when the story suddenly flipped from rebelling against the man to Giant monsters straight out of the old Godzilla movies wrecking havoc on the world. But the writers were able to mesh the two together fairly convincingly through the use of Sepherioth and the Mako stream concept.

(Might I also add that FF7 had an excellent soundtrack that totally made the mood of the game.)

GG Squaresoft *thumbs up*
Duke Nukem had the best story ever.
Quote: Original post by Impossible
quote:Original post by Iron Chef Carnage
Bad Dudes was pretty awesome. Ninjas. I really can''t imagine a story about ninjas that isn''t cool; and by cool, I mean totally sweet. :P
Yes, perhaps the sweetest awesomest story of all time. Bad Dudes is the number one game in need of a remake. Throw out the gameplay and do... something good, but keep the story. Hell, it''d be like the Starsky and Hutch of gaming.

Doesn't that game end with you going out for pizza with Reagan? Classic.
when i started reading this i was a moron. now i am more stupid.
This thread sucks, K?

Don't necro stuff.

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