
Flight Model?

Started by March 01, 2000 07:40 PM
4 comments, last by teenytim 24 years, 6 months ago
Does anyone know where I can get a good book or text on how to make a very BASIC flight model for my OpenGL Flight Sim? I have looked all over the internet, and there''s a lot of good source code, but usally, the flight sim is too big and the flightmodel is too complex for me! I appreciate any help. Thanks!
It might be helpful if you get your hands on one of those editors (say FlightShop) or whatever program it is they use to design the flight models in FS98 or the like. If you learn what parameters are involved there you might then be able to design your own program to use similar inputs (where applicable).

Well, flight models have the four basic forces of drag, lift, weight (from gravity), and thrust. That is as basic as it gets. Drag comes from air friction (aircraft speed and design is a factor), lift comes from the aerodynamics of the wings (surface area of the wings is a factor here), weight is fairly self explanatory, and thrust is from the engine power (unless it''s a glider, then there''s no true thrust and you get gravity involved). If you apply the basic Newtonian physics equations (based around F=ma), and maybe get your hands on some of the basic flight model equations for things such as lift, you may be able to produce a very simplistic flight model. Since you''re interested in this, I would suggest that you do start off with a very simple, working model and add more complex variables as you go along.


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Thank you for the replies, and last night, I discovered the LaRCsim flight dynamics engine. It is a set of ANSI C routines describing a generalized flight model applicable to many air vehicles. It took me three hours to interface my Sim to it, but in the end, it worked!

P.S. If you want more info, go to and lick on links
I read a book called "MECHANICS OF FLIGHT" by A.C. Kermode, 10th edition. I could probably write a flightsim using only this book, it''s that good. Good luck

a couple of years a go i saw a book at the book store and it was a teach your self to program flight simulators in c++ in 21 days

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