
alpha blits

Started by March 06, 2000 05:30 AM
4 comments, last by mcfc98 24 years, 6 months ago
It seems that 2d blitting in directdraw doesnt contain any alpha blending support. Does anyone know how i can implement this efficiently or can point me to some articles that deal with this sort of thing? i could use d3d but i need the 2d images to be any size possible and also use font images.
You need write the alpha blending code yourself.
Because DirectDraw does not surpport it now.maybe DX 10 ?

But you can get the free alpha blending code if you mail me:

Alpha blending in software (not D3D) will be extremely slow because it must take place in system memory. Exceptions: you already have your surfaces in system memory OR you have a fast AGP card. If you do have AGP, I''d suggest that you test your code on a non-AGP card. As for code/examples, there''s one here on gamedev (it was one of the first featured articles) and there are a couple on

Ive done it in d3d now but thanks all the same.
The posts above did not mention this Article...
Whoops - it was mentioned. But well, who cares

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