Looking for programmers, artists and designers

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1 comment, last by Vixen246 3 years, 12 months ago

Project Name: 2D Arcade Game

Engine: Unity Engine

Platform: Android, IOS, Amazone (Mobile)

Info: 2D Graphics & Assets, animation, more information will be provided through face-to-face chat.

Monetization: In-App purchases, Adverts

Payment: Royaly / profit share

NDA to be signed.


@fleabay Hi, that you for your comment. I am not trying selling myself. I am giving the main points, and if someone is interested we communicate via video. If they are still interested and there is a click, they sign the NDA and the game design is shared. If there is no click or interest, then no one lost anything.

@fleabay Of course you can get an answer, whether you may is something else. Maybe try to have less of an aggressive tone and peeps might just respond better. It may sound out of this world, but not everyone lives on their PC :-)

I am an abstract graphic designer, learning programing. We designed a game and would like to work with a team. It's that simple. I trust this information would suffice, as this is where my response ends on this topic.

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