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Poll-Who has actually finished a game?

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40 comments, last by Voodoo4 23 years, 11 months ago
I have only finished one game completely: A Tetris clone.

Another small project is also as finished as it ever gets, namely a Asteroid clone. It has everything except sound effects, which I have never added because I have no idea of how to make descent sounding explosion.

My next project is probaly going to be a simple side-scroller. But I don''t know if I ever get started on it. First I have to make a tile set editor, then a sprite editor, then a level editor and then finally an engine for my game. And then there is the problem with creating sound and artwork. I probaly never get around to it.


Although the job of a programmer is becoming decreasingly valued and all the other jobs are starting to see big pay rises I still stand by the fact that programming is certainly the hardest part. Games being driven by technology are becoming a large part of the market. Lots of programmers take a lot of shortcuts now days and that''s why we get so many bugs - and when u are trying to make a solid product (like me and my extra-small unpaid team) then the programming is the hardest part. I''m not saying for a sec that the other parts aren''t an integral part of the entire project, but it''s more fun to fo the music/art/levels/design than work with a stubborn machine and buggery APIs that always have some expcetion to every rule they lay out for you.
I''ve finished a commercial game (working as a graphics guy in a group). Now I only hope the publishing mumbo gets resolved and I get sum credz and a phat bonuz!!!
I finished a turn-based strategy two years ago, but it was too easy.Now I''m 90% done with a prequel to my real project.The game is called Runemaster Legends : The Tower of Souls.It''s not much, but it counts for something.
-----Jonas Kyratzes - writer, filmmaker, game designerPress ALT + F4 to see the special admin page.
quote: Original post by runemaster

I finished a turn-based strategy two years ago, but it was too easy.Now I'm 90% done with a prequel to my real project.The game is called Runemaster Legends : The Tower of Souls.It's not much, but it counts for something.

Another guy from Greece!

Text in Greek:

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Edited by - Voodoo4 on July 11, 2000 12:07:48 PM
Here these words vilifiers and pretenders, please let me die in solitude...
I finished my game about a week ago called Space Fighters for Freedom. You can download it at http://mastersoftware.4mg.com

Masters Software
I''ve finished a couple of large scale games and I''m two months away from finishing the latest one.

But then I''m a professional and if I didn''t they''d fire me ;-).

Yeah, you could say I finished a game...my first one (in VB3, so don''t laugh if it has crappy design) was at least put to a playable beta stage about a week ago...


I''m looking for replies about quality (or lack thereof) and since it was really just a test for controls, I''m waiting to hear some.
WNDCLASSEX Reality;......Reality.lpfnWndProc=ComputerGames;......RegisterClassEx(&Reality);Unable to register Reality...what's wrong?---------Dan Uptonhttp://0to1.orghttp://www20.brinkster.com/draqza
Yep, i completed a game, it made break even first day it hit the shelves. Prior to that I''ve completed 4 games, some dating back to the c64.

Heh...my biggest game is actually a TRON game I wrote 5 years ago in mode 13h...ah...those were the days...

You can download it at

Pretty cool (for the time). Even had pictures from the movie!

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