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Story for a RPG

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21 comments, last by CHASIS-BLADE 20 years, 4 months ago
Part 5 - Shifting

It was going to be a Four day flight to get back to the SOLUS Orbit so they all decided to turn on the Hyper-Sleep function so they would not use up Life-Support so Damien activated it and they slowly fell into a deep slumber, When Damien woke up his eyes were a little fuzzy and his mouth was dry but it was even stranger that he was in a bed and thinking that he had been captured he thought he was in a Hospital bed and that the Hyper-sleep had failed….Was Zeega Dead?….no he is too strong to die but as his eyes focused he found himself in a bedroom and lying next to him was a young woman aged 25 – 30.
She mumbled a bit and woke up to see Damien sitting up looking surprised but she smiled and said ‘Good morning Damien….better get a shower quick its almost 10am…..remember Zeega was going to take the kids to the Zoo today’ then she sat up and gave Damien a big kiss….he tried to get away but she was going to first base but she stopped when two girls came in and started shouting ‘YOU SLEPT IN’.
This was really strange as he was in Hyper-Sleep just 2 Minuets ago and now….he seemed to be married with Children so he tried to play along and went for a shower, After his shower his ‘Wife’ who’s name was Michelle had made him a short stack and sausage and the kids were eating some sort of kid’s cereal with bright red blobs in it, Michelle walked over to him and said ‘Would you like some Co…Co….Co’ Damien looked at her and all of a sudden her long brown hair melted into a puddle on the floor and the puddle started to cause some sort of reaction and change the room into a warzone.
He was now on a boat in what seemed like WW2 with Zeega by his side but as Damien looked around he saw that the other soldiers were just faceless blanks, The commander then spoke up and said ‘Your mission is to infiltrate the beach house and if you do that…’ Then the Commander started to melt and he seemed to turn into a game show host he then continued and said ‘…You could win $10,000 or A BRAND NEW CAR…on today’s Episode of…’ Then the faceless Soldiers Said ‘STOP…THE…SHIFTING!!’ Damien looked at Zeega who was now in a Grass Skirt and was trying to sing Baa Baa Black Sheep but as he sang ‘Wool’ he suddenly Exploded and when he did he took the boat with him.
Damien sank to the ocean floor and saw Prime sitting at a small Table with candles and a wine bottle but a Damien tried to swim he was drawn to the table and landed in the seat next to Prime and then Prime started to talk to him in his deep Scottish Accent,
‘Gone into a shifting haven’t you’ said Prime but Damien was puzzled and asked what was a shifting? So Prime then began to explain ‘You went into Hyper-Sleep pal so somebody on the outside is controlling your thoughts by trying to make you go mad….it works a treat let me tell you but there is a way to stop this….you have to destroy the LGTasm that is warping your thoughts…it’s a little way of a walk from here but you can do it if you have faith…I will meet up with you guys later….Champagne?’ and then Prime burst into lots of tiny bubbles and left Damien to work his way out of this mess.

(Playable Sequence)

Damien seemed to be lost…he had been wandering on the ocean floor for a while now and had seen no exit’s at all but all of a sudden the ocean began to get warmer and warmer until the water was nearly boiling, Damien tried to run away from the heat but after he started running he began to float and eventually Damien was able to swim to the top but when he broke the surface of the water he saw what seemed to be a giant Zeega cooking him in a large pot, Zeega lifted Damien out the pot and swallowed him and Damien fell into a bush on what seemed like his childhood home but after looking at the shabby lawn Damien realised that it WAS his childhood home but before Damien could celebrate he saw a man wearing a mask over his head and carrying a gun….Damien didn’t think that history was going to repeat itself.
The man walked into his house and several bangs were heard after a minuet or so the killer came out and shouted out ‘YOU BASTARD’ and shot himself in the head and just as Damien remembered he saw himself coming around the corner and screaming out with sadness when he saw the dead man in the driveway, ‘WHY THIS AGAIN??….STOP THIS INSANITY!’ Damien screamed and their was a quick flash of green light and in front of Damien Appeared a Young Marakee woman and after looking at her for a bit he remembered that face….it was Jerrakoi and she looked puzzled and said ‘Why do you morn? Why do you continue to kill even after your family were killed? Tell me do you know the killer?’ Damien looked at the Body and said ‘No…I never did find out who he was….please let me out of this dream….I have had enough’ Jerrakoi looked at Damien and said ‘You must kill the LGTasm and that is me….come!’ Damien took out his Weapon and started combat

(BOSS: Jerrakoi – HP - 6100 / COM - 5 / PSY – 20)

Jerrakoi fell over and her leg started to bleed and she said ‘Why…but how?’ and Damien knelt down beside her and he told her that he met Prime a little while ago, ‘But how could he break into your mind like that…HOW?’ she said and before she left his mind he told her the truth.
‘Well Prime was able to get in because….I know him…after my Parents were killed I decided to run away from it all and live by myself….two months later I heard that there was work in Scotland at the Glasgow Space Force Center so I stowed away on a ship and ended up in Scotland working as a Delivery boy for the Pilots but a few months later I heard that there was a situation in Kilmarnock and that Prime had declared war on Humanity so I signed up for the fight and I Received some weapon training and was sent to Kilmarnock…to the front…I was kept behind to let the soldiers fight but in the end everyone was gone and I Decided to find Prime…and destroy him!’.

(Playable Sequence)

‘I found him outside the Blue Triangle Café which was their headquarters at the time and decided to shoot him from afar and end the war’ Damien said ‘But as I pulled the trigger Prime heard me and he jumped out of the way and as soon as I had done that…He came over to me….I fell down Crying and scared thinking that I was going to die and oddly he bent down and said ‘Its okay wee man’ and he gently wrapped his tail around me to calm me and he lifted me onto his shoulder and took me off into hiding….he was like a big brother to me and we had lots of fun together…we laughed and joked and played games and kept me safe from harm…6 months later he said he had to leave for a while and I never saw him again but before he left he scratched my arm so that I would always remember him and I have felt no pain on the scar until I saw Prime just a little while ago….but I have to say I miss the guy’ and after he finished Jerrakoi looked up and said ‘Friends…UHHH’ and she left Damien’s mind and after she did he woke up and saw Zeega and 99 looking at him with a disappointed look on their faces and the first thing they said was ‘We saw the vision and we know that Prime…Hid you for a time’.
Damien looked down in shame knowing that he lied to them for so long but he wasn’t disappointed he was just shocked that they found out and a bit happy because since Prime was alive he could go out and find him again to tell him what they had done and that they need help but before they could do that they had to return the ship Or it was gonna blow so they checked the map and saw that SOLUS was just 15 sweet minuets away and then it was time for a apology.

Part 6 will be next week Promise!
Sorry guys! I got Detention at school and was restricted from the computer by my Parents.
I will aim for Saturday..PROMISE!!
YES here it is...its not the longest but it is still in the story.

Part 6 – Caroline

The ship docked in the station and the radio bleeped into life….again it was the owner and she said ‘Thanks…I guess anyway bring the keys up the mess hall and mabey I’ll go easy on you’ so the three of them left the ship and went to elevator and pushed the button for mess hall but their luck ran out and the elevator stopped three floors away from the mess hall so they decided to walk it and find another way.

(Playable Sequence)

After walking for a bit Damien stopped and knelt down on the floor with a small tear in his eye, he looked at Zeega and said ‘Guys….my scar is hurting….Prime is close by’ but Zeega just looked away in disgust and said ‘…Liar don’t go all Harry Potter on us we can tell your lying just like you lied to us for half the time we have been with you’.
99 gasped and pointed to a figure down the hall so Damien looked where 99 was pointing and saw the most shocking sight…..Selek….,he was back for a 4th time and the three of them looked over in horror to see that he was heading right to them….they just stared at him and then as he neared them he said ‘Can I help you?’ and they all said in Sync ‘Mess Hall’.
Selek Said ‘Oh the elevator out again okay I’ll let you use the service elevator…by the way Name’s Selek and its nice to meet you’, They reached the elevator and Selek pushed the Button for the Mess Hall and then they were off again.
Damien said ‘Guess this is the end of our adventures huh?…I find somewhere to live after this guys…don’t worry’ there was a silence and then they reached the Mess Hall where they started to look for the owner, Then they saw a young woman sitting at the table in the corner who looked oddly familiar and after some quick thinking they deduced it to be the owner so they went over to her but as they did the other people started to look at Zeega with angry eyes.
‘Okay lets make this short’ Said the girl ‘You give me the key and you say sorry oh and you should know my name...Ahem my name is Caroline Reed and If you really must know..’ she stood up and walked over to Damien and Forced him against her head and when nobody was looking she Whitened her eyes and said ‘I’m a Hafie’ and she released Damien and sat back down.
She went on to say how she had been knocked out in the cargo bay when she tried to leave and that they were jerks for stealing her ship, Zeega left and went the men’s room and Damien continued to talk to Caroline about what they had been through and when Zeega returned to the table sombody sneaked up behind him with a broken bottle but Caroline Leapt over the table and struck him in the gut with a small blade and as she did that everyone stood up and started to fight them but Caroline said ‘…No more shall I hide it’ and she exposed her long tail for all to see and joined in the fight.

(BOSS: Thugs X5 – HP 1000 Each/COM 2)

The Thugs pressed on but Damien and Zeega were still fighting but 99 was hiding in the corner, Caroline was getting picked on by the thugs – Grabbing her hair and her tail and since Marakee have very sensitive Tails Caroline was in extreme Pain and she started to cough up blood but Zeega came to the rescue and helped her to her feet and knocked out the thugs with his Psychic Probing attack.
Damien helped 99 to his feet and helped him to the elevator along with Caroline and Zeega and they pushed the Button for Docking bay and a few moments later they arrived and found the place in red alert but they got into the ship and took off without anybody noticing.
Soon after taking off they found themselves in the middle of the SOLUS orbit and decided to stop for a minuet to recap on everything that has happened, Damien said ‘Listen Caroline why were they after you there I mean that was sorta a racist attack back there so…?’ but Caroline looked to floor and said ‘…..a lot has happened…after you blew up SOLUS 1 & 7 Earth has been on High alert looking for you and Eden has been just the same but 2 days ago one of the earth senators blamed Eden for this mess and attacked him….there was a lot of shouting and screaming and just yesterday…Prime went on TV and said that this is the second H war in it’s infancy….so there is a lot of racist attacks right now so we better be careful’ and as soon as she stopped speaking the Monitor flared into life and the announcer came on TV and made a Statement.
‘Today another SOLUS station was bombed and all of its crew killed’ Caroline stood up and said ‘Yeah I saw that a couple of hours ago’ then the TV continued ‘A ship was seen fleeing from the Station before the blast…The pilot has been Identified as Caroline Reed’ and as her name was read out Caroline collapsed on the floor and began to cry but she stood up and said ‘Fine guess I’m with you guys huh?’ and she opened the lock on the door and asked them if they were hungry, She opened the door and walked into the room and the gang saw a mini kitchen, two Burst Showers and a bunk bed.
Caroline said ‘You aren’t sleeping in here’ and she pushed a switch on the wall and after she did that Two bunk beds phased out of the wall in the cockpit – one in front of the door and one in front of the computer panel, ‘Look we better stay outa Eden’s way for a while and we can plot our next move’ Said Caroline as she brought them some semolina pudding ‘…Night’ and with that she closed the door on the three of them and left them to fend for themselves with a half bowl of Semolina.

I will also write out a script for it cause the story is not giving me room to make a good script.

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