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Another Idea

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19 comments, last by CHASIS-BLADE 20 years, 3 months ago
This is an action game were you control 6 characters in the persuit of there ultimate goal. Regina Yoshimitsu - Age: 26 --- A young Asian woman from england who is starting her new life in the big city. Mike Farley - Age: 15 --- A kid who was kicked out by his father three years ago when his mother died of the H-Fever David Sorral - Age: 31 --- A cabbie who descovers more that he wanted Sonny Troy - Age: 40 --- After his wife was killed 8 years back he became an alcoholic but now he sees through to the truth Phillip McNamara - Age: 22 After his Girlfreind is killed in cold blood he takes the law into his own hands to avenge her Kay Simons - Age: 29 --- a simple tourist looking for a motel after her car breaks down Each of them will unite and discover somthing that will change there outlook on life forever Comments
quote: This is an action game were you control 6 characters in the persuit of there ultimate goal.

Each of them will unite and discover somthing that will change there outlook on life forever

But where''s the game? What is the goal? What "something" changes their outlook on life forever?

Also, see 2003 movie: Identity
"When a nasty storm hits a hotel, ten strangers are stranded within and as they begin to know each other, they discover they are being killed off one by one."

They also "discover something that will change their outlook on life forever".
[font "arial"] Everything you can imagine...is real.
comment on what?

All right. I see 6 names, along with a one-liner bio. These names don''t mean anyhting to me, I don''t even remember them.

A game is more than characters, and characters are more than just names, C-B.

I will offer some creative criticism for you, though. Um... elaborate. Who are these people, how do they relate to each other, and where are they?

I''m sorry if I come off harsh. Just sayin''
Quote: Original post by EtnuBwahaha. I would've shot the guy in the balls.
Dont worry.
I will give you a full update tommorow.
right now i wanna go to bed.
fear not the answers are comming
I''m worried that if I''m controlling all six of the characters, and they''re all competing to attain the same goal, then they will just start to cooperate by virtue of me controlling them all. I''ll decide right from the get-go that I want Regina (you''ve used that name before, haven''t you?) to win, and so the other five will make sacrifices and act contrary to their own interests to ensure that she comes out on top at the end of the game.
Okay here is more on the story.
I have put down just the beggining parts for the characters so you know what is going on.

Regina has just moved to West City and is just relaxing in her new home.
But when she goes into the kitchen to make a drink a theif sneeks in the window and trys to take her purse.
She stops the theif but she follows him to the roof to try and catch him but when she gets to the roof she finds a group of Mafia-like people taking some sort of box from the roof.
Suddenly sombody shoots the guys hand and the box falls onto the street and Regina is seen by the Mafia-Guys.

Mike is a theif who needs to steal to make a living and tonite is no differant.
Mike sneeks into a house and trys to take a purse full of cash but a young Asian woman sees him and Mike takes off into the night.
He then sees her folowing him and trys to evade her but he sees a group of men on the roof taking a small box.
Mike shoots the guys hand and the box falls down to the street but he notices that the thugs have seen the woman and he jumps over to the next roof to help her.

David was in a store buying some magazines when a small box falls on the ground next to him.
he picks up the box and looks at it closely and trys to open it.
but he hears gunfire on a nearby roof and bends down behind his cab to avoid stray bullets.
Suddenly a bullet hits the head of a young woman and she falls down dead.
David gets into his cab and speeds off to get away from danger.

Sonny was just drinking some cheap scotch in a alley while singing 'old grey mare' in a drunk voice.
he hears some gun fire and takes out his gun to defend himself but in his drunken state he pulls the trigger and a bullet hits a young woman across the street.
he snaps out of his drunken fantasy and runs off down the alley to hide from the law.

Phillip was walking with his girlfreind down the street when he hears gunfire from a nearby roof he croutch's down of the street to evade gunfire but his girlfreind is struck by a stray bullet and dies instantly.
A cabie next to him speeds off down the road and Phillip picks up his girlfreind and carries her body to the hospital.

Kay's car had broken down and she decided to stop by a small motel for the night.
but when she gets out her car a taxi comes crashing into her and she falls down.
she wakes up in hospital and sees and young asian woman looking at her with a teenager by her side.
she walks over to Kay and says 'Where is the box?'

Tell me what you think of it so far.

Oh and if you have any ideas for a title name then please post them

[edited by - CHASIS-BLADE on April 6, 2004 10:10:16 AM]
It doesn''t tell us what''s going on, really. I assume that the game will be a quest for the box, but if that''s the case, then David already won.

Also, you skip a bit in Regina''s and Mike''s story. How and why did they get to the hospital? What do they know about the box? Why do they care?

It''s difficult to write parallel stories. you''ve given it a good shot here, but a bit more work is called for. Also, no alley-sleeping, cheap scoth-drinking hobo is going to have a firearm. Those things are worth at least a hundred bucks, and that''ll get you a lot of booze.
Well consider the fact that he may have bought the Gun before he started drowno=ing his sorrows with scotch.
And yes...the box is a major part of the plot and will be what the group are serching for.
Also about Kay''s story - she was run over by a Taxi and taken to hospital - dont you think stuf may have happed while she was out cold and she may have recived the box at some point.

Sounds like a bunch of kids finding out what hentai is all about.
[fun mode]
I feel there is a missing character:
Angela Godsend (24 years): girlfriend of Philip and sent on a quest by heavenly authority...

Angela was walking with her boyfriend down the street when she hears gunfire from a nearby roof. She is struck by a stray bullet and dies instantly. In Heaven she is received by John Cleese disguised as Saint Peter asking her to reincarnate herself into King Arthur to retrieve the Holy Grail that is hidden in the Box, and if it could also be possible to find out the meaning of life, it would be perfect thank you.
[fun mode off]

I remember there used to be a text game adventure where the player was alternatively playing six members of a team (don''t remember the name though, it''s been about 10 years ago at least). Each team member had some abilities that helped to solve the game puzzles and the player could not finish the game while playing one team member. The storyline was parallel since the player could switch team members when they were at the same place (allowing for some complex actions like Angie talks to office clerk, Brian steals a pen from the office clerk).

Is it what you are trying to achieve here ?

Red Ghost.
Ghostly yours,Red.

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