
Share your idea

Started by June 23, 2005 01:32 PM
32 comments, last by baddogj 19 years, 1 month ago
1. No working title yet besides SDLp7

2. RTS

3. All of the above.

4. 2D, tile-based (was going iso, but eh)

5. Think Starcraft, except with Ninjas, Pirates, Zombies, and Robots.

6. The actual gameplay and tactics among the races is completely unlike any other RTS that I've seen - just some random tidbits:

- Ninjas and Pirates are the only two races that actively gather/consume resources (Gold) which is plundered from NPC villages (via various means). Robots require power from powercells (buildings) which functions like a sick cross of C&C powerplants and SC's Protoss pylons. Zombies eat people.

- Ninjas pretty much get the stealth benefits of WC3's Night Elves. Their units are the 2nd most powerful units in the game, but take hella long to create. Emphasis is placed on stealth and sabotage, rather than strength in numbers. Have stationary buildings.

- Pirate buildings are ships, and are mobile (SC ripoff, Terrans). Their units are weaker than Ninjas, but are faster and cheaper to train. Pirates aquire gold from ransacking NPC villages. Easy to run and hide from other races, but all the resources lie inland.

- Zombies have no buildings (they're zombies..) and rely on eating cadavers to replenish their numbers. Different zombies will result as the eating of different unit types, and "combination" zombies can be formed (somewhat randomly) by mass-feastings. Villages == people == potential zombies. Zombie tactics focus on hoard attacks and rushes; their lack of a base means a failed attack can be certain defeat, however, a successful one means plenty of dead bodies.

- Robots have the big powerful units of the game. Pretty much everything revolves around their powercells, which are relatively easy to destroy. Although it wouldn't take more than a ninja or two to completely rape a Robot base, Zombies have a hard time eating them. Robots are the only race which does not depend on NPC towns.


Yeah, this project is never getting done ever. Whoo. Time to design the unit manager which will handle pretty much the brunt of the gameplay... *procrastinates*
I'm fighting between two right now, and actually as I'm not too strong on programming, I'm using an engine (Games Factory), so I might finish both in time.

First Idea:

1. The Adventures of Captain [dorky name here]
2. Action/Adventure
3. Robots and Pirates
4. 2D
5. Gameplay includes adventure in the style of riding around in a boat, collecting upgrades (kind of like Need for Speed meets pirate ships), and then fighting on land in top-down camera view, reminiscent of Secret of Mana.
6. The pirate heroes themselves are all nerdy, and the robot of the game is your character - a "bad ass" created to help fight the evil pirates, along with your nerdy shipmates.

Second Idea:

1. Revenge of the Stereotypes
2. Arcade
3. Robots, Pirates and Ninjas
4. 2D
5. Based on Robotron (my favorite arcade game), except in different "worlds". Each consists of a different stereotype, and your goal is to shoot them all down!
6. Fast-paced retro-style action!
- Charles Jackson, Hedonism Games, developer of Crush the Critters (Alpha Jan '08!)- Email:
Hey Skittleo,

Steampunk is a very loose genre. It’s really meant to be set as an alternative history during the Victorian era, where the industrial revolution continued at such an extraordinary pace that modern day objects such as planes, robots and computers where created, but using large mechanical devices instead of small electronic ones.

Since steampunk is flexible, it’s been mixed in with a few other genres like D&D. The steampunk world is therefore very industrial, dirty and dark. But flexible to make what you want out of it. Good examples of art are linked below for your viewing pleasure:

Iron Kingdoms
Rise Of Legends
Check out my casual TBS game blog
Quote: Original post by skittleo
At first glance, our games look pretty similar. I am looking forward to seeing how yours turns out.

Hey, yeah - it seems so! The use of shaders will be interesting, except I might not be able to play yours due to lack of shaders on my card :( I'll be setting sail (har har) on the gameplay pretty soon, I've got the majority of the engine sorted out.
Damn... and I thought my SteamPunk idea was going to be really original too!Seriously that was going to be quite a major part of the originality ofmy project, guess I'll have to be somewhat more innovative now!


Cheers,SteveLiquidigital Online
1. Currently Unnamed
2. RTS
3. Robots, Zombies, and humans who have special units: Ninjas or Pirates
4. 2D Isometric
5. The world is in conflict - Humans and Zombies are fighting each other for control of the world. Into this conflict lands a Robot space ship. The humans fight the robots for their technology. The robots defend themselves while trying to rebuild their ship. The zombies just kill everyone, the robots sentience is enough for the robots to be turned into zombies.
6. Playing each of the races in the game will require a completly different set of skills. The races should be different enough that they require completely different strategies.
1. Resurrection - The Digital Paradigm
2. Turn-based strategy
3. Robots, Zombies, and Pirates
4. Mostly 2D with some 3D sprinkled here and there
5. Something along the hackneyed lines of the earth has turned into a waste land with a vitriolic seperation between humans and cyberized humans that have become so synthetic, they no longer have a "human" mind. They are in control, you are the rebels. Their society works quite similiar to "1984" and "Brave New World". There are other rebel groups that you can befriend or become enemies with. Your technology is older than the "cyberized society" so you will have to research to gain knowledge but still be barely on the thin line seperating you from the cyberization of the others.

Your population constantly looks to you for support and constantly with a fearing eye. As you come closer to that line, your group becomes more powerful BUT if you become too powerful, you become the ones you are fighting with. Finally realizing that you "Love Big Brother" because you see what cyberization can do. Currency is no longer credits or paper money, they are natural resources both in food, minerals, and produced goods in which you can trade among allies and neutral groups. Battles are fought utilizing flesh and metal on both sides. Because of the "cyberized" society for the "common good", they perform horrific experiements on lower classes to turn them into mindless zombies that infiltrate the land and turn kamakazi with no thought of their own.

The "cyberized" society can infiltrate your group via electronically, physically, and morally - they are a race in which perfection is key and you are a race in which humanity is key. To fight together is to simulate not the evil vs. good scenerio, but the theory of morals and how far can one go in sacraficing those morals to achieve power.
^Yeah, something like that is what I have in mind: Medley between X-Com, Terminator, Matrix, and good classical novels.

6. I have to think about this one.
1. Not sure yet
2. 2D Platformer
3. All 4 (including a robot ninja)
4. 2D
5. Well it isn't really a gameplay description but here's the (rough) story: The evil time pirates are going to many eras throughtout history turning everyone they encounter into zombies. You are 'The Robot Ninja From The Future ™' who has been dispatched to stop the time pirates in their mission to turn everyone into zombies.
6. You'll have to wait and see [wink]
Name: Zero Wing Chronicles, Cats' Revenge
Genre: Isometric RPG
Elements: Pirates, robots, ninjas, zombies
Perspective: 2d

Gameplay: The story picks up at the end of the horribly awful game, Zero Wing. The movment will be isometric 2d, and the battles will be fought similar to Knights of the Old Republic.

I'm not to worried about anybody stealing my plot, so here is a brief exposition.

Cats was captured after being mortaly wounded in battle, and his cybernetics are clashing with biological components, giving him great power and pain at the same time. Once he learns to find the balance, he will become unstopable. His power is that he can influence Integrated Circuts, and reprogram them at will.

His second in command breaks into the science lab where his body is being stored, and revives him. His second in command, Gustav, is the last of the Necromancers, and commands Cats' new undead army.

The pilot, after defeating Cats' Armada, has left the TDC (Terra Defense Corps), and has become a pirate of sorts in the Caribian.

The ninja. She is the last survivor of Cats' assault on her home planet, and has trained the rest of her life to one day assissinate Cats.

Unique features:
-Using hxRender version 2.0
-Attempted Oldschool NES style graphics and sound effects.
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
1. I dunno. Midnight something?
2. Sidescroller
3. A ninja, a robot, lots of zombies, and references to pirates
4. 2D
5. You're a programmer that has just completed your very own robot but soon after you fall asleep for the night someone breaks into your house and steals your robot but you wake up too late to stop them. Outside you see a part of your robot; it seems that your robot has been broken during the theft! You decide to go out into your city and night and track down these thieves while collecting the parts to your beloved robot.

Unfortunately, your city is also infested with zombies but fear not because you are well versed in the martial arts!

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