
Share your idea

Started by June 23, 2005 01:32 PM
32 comments, last by baddogj 19 years, 1 month ago
Well, I seem to be one of the entries that is getting most of its media around the quickest. The gameplay sprites are coming around nicely, despite other things I need to get done. The cinema sprites will take a little while longer... but I only have the intro and ~9 scenes, I do plan on adding unlockable things, but I am not sure what I want to unlock.

However, if I decide against Expert and Extreme modes I have a few other ideas. I will list them now, to be fair to those who are stuck with only a RTS for their game plan. These could be done with my current code base, so that is why these ideas would be easy for me, and could give me several entries, which may be unfair... and as I am utopian socialist, I am all about fair.


1. Name of game
2. Genre
3. Robots, Zombies, Ninjas or Pirates?
4. 2D or 3D
5. Brief description of gameplay
6. What makes your game unique (optional)


1. Name of game
Zombie vs. Pirate vs. Robot

2. Genre
Arcade style game.

3. Robots, Zombies, Ninjas or Pirates?
Zombies, Pirates and Robots. Ninjas however would unbalance the game as I see it.

4. 2D or 3D
elevated view 2D. Movement is done in four directs, not as top down.

5. Brief description of gameplay
Remember the old Spy vs. Spy game for the NES--as well as the one for GBC? Well game play would be exactly like that. The only difference would be the movement abilities of the characters, and initial+special weapons of the characters.

You would collect various items throughout the level. And once you've got the items, you would exit through a door marked exit. You have to do this, while another character is collecting items, trying to kill you, and succeed first. There is also a time limit on levels.

6. What makes your game unique (optional)

Like I mentioned game play like Spy vs. Spy, but with each type of character will have initial and special weapons.

For example: Zombies would stagger slowly across the level, robots would roll along the floor however will take time to get up stairs (5 seconds to climb some stairs?), and pirates would walk like Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Carribean, however pirates will have the easiest movements.
Their initial weapons would be something like:
Zombie: Bite
Robots: Push other away (cause damage and move them away target away from the robot).
Pirate: Low power gun (this is initial, as it is a long range weapon, in a small room, that does not do much damage, and will miss the other person a lot).
Their special weapons would be:
Zombie: Necromance old player's bodies to come up with baddies in each room to be a hazard
Robots: when there are stairs or elevators in the room, and the Robot has gained its special weapons, the Robot's push does an autokill by pushing the oppenent down the stairs. Otherwise it is useless (I know you all know what Robot's special weapon refers to)
Pirate: Sword.


1. Name of game
Robot Master Battle.

2. Genre
Megaman Ripoff.

3. Robots, Zombies, Ninjas or Pirates?
Robots, Zombies, Ninja and Pirates

4. 2D or 3D

5. Brief description of gameplay
You take a choice of a Robot, Zombie, Ninja and Pirate. You then go to a room, defeat a nonmegaman robot master(to avoid copyright issues). Then after that you go to another room and do the same. You continue on, until you run out of health. As you go through the battle rooms, you gain weapons from the robot masters. You will also unlock some of them as being playable. The robot master choice will be based on random, but the unlocking of them is undecided.

6. What makes your game unique (optional)
Now anybody can make the character shoot a buster and have weapons based on that. However each choice you take has different weapons.

Robots: Plunger and raygun... if I do this game, it most likely will have a Daleck as a robot type (mostly because I am watching the season finally to Dr. Who on CBC at the time or writing this). Robots won't be able to jump... I just need to balance the Robot, that is all. I may not have to do this, as well, the robot element may be covered by "Robot Masters*
Zombie: It will throw its arm at the robot master as its default weapon. If the arm hits the robot master, it will bounce back. If it misses, it just falls to the floor. Won't be able to jump high, but it can stick to the wall (without sliding) and do Megaman X's triangle jump (slide on the wall, then jump higher up onto the wall). Oh and the Zombie will stagger.
Pirate: Muskette, which automagickally hits, if robot master is in its path. Doesn't do much damage, but the damage is instant. Also like Zero in the Megaman X series, Pirate will have a sword. The Pirate will have a rapier. Does loads of damage--just requires you to be right up inside the Robot Master.
Ninja: Will have Projectile as shuriken...however that just stuns the robot master(no harm), and nullifies any current attack by it. Ninja will also have a knife as a lowpower weapon to balance things out (potencial strategy, use shurikens to stun the robot master, run it, and knife him up, and run out and begin process again).


Why I do this? Because there is a chance that I won't end up with these games--and most people cannot seem to come up with ideas other than RTS. I may not end up with enough time to do these ideas, but I wouldn't mind seeing them as entries. I personally feel that other people will not have quite the same vision as me for the entry. I know that will differenciate the game enough, that the entry will be original.

However, I must request that if I do start work on these games, do not start after me. I will already have a codebase I can modify for these (my first game idea is very friendly in design to this), all I would require is artwork. The Spy vs. Spy type one, really does not require much for graphics, and if you remember Game Developer Man, you will know I already about a hundred robot master (and robot Mistress) designs (actually, I think I only got up to ~80).

Also, if you start before me, you will be fine. However if you start on these ideas after I've started them, I will still do them (as at this point I've already started this), and we will both be dinged as unoriginal, only I will have more entries. So you can use these ideas, as long as I haven't started them already.

(I really don't want to have my advantage based on being the only one _not_ doing another RTS)

Remember: after my first entry is complete, I will have the codebase to easily make the two ideas I gave (as well as anything else I come up with). So use these ideas, but make sure you use them before I get to them.
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I wanted to do some geopolitical strategy game in which Zombies, Robots, Pirates, and Ninjas have somehow inherited the earth and must vie for political and military domination. Along the lines of Just picture your typical news headlines and war footage... except substitute pirates and zombies for people, then sprinkle liberally with ninjas and/or robot ninjas.

I haven't played many of those kinds of games and it wouldn't be fun for me to get it all implemented and then not be able to get the balance or pacing right...
1. Name of game


2. Genre


3. Robots, Zombies, Ninjas or Pirates?

Robots, Zombies, Ninjas and Future-Pirates.

4. 2D or 3D


I'll pass on 5 and 6 for now. =)
side scroller
Lions, tigers, elephants, hunters...skunks
It is completely constant movement forward while trying to avoid becoming the prey
original, different(sort of)
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