
[4e4] WIP: Shootout

Started by June 24, 2005 11:40 PM
33 comments, last by Robomaniac 19 years, 2 months ago
Wow, if it's already working now you'll have a lot of time to improve it!!

When i'll finish my school exams (next week) I'll start working hard on my project, up to now I've just made my robot model and I still need to texture it....
Here some screens from my game. There isn't any characters yet, only some indoor scenes of a pirate ship. I'm using the Irrlicht engine.

And here is a "screenshot" from my game:

(ToohrVyk@neutrino)[23] /cygdrive/d/Development/OCaml/4e4/GreenNotebook$ make test--Checking Ocaml input files: unchanged--Re-building dependenciesocamldep ability.mli unitTesting.mli ability.mli ability.mli unitTesting.mli unitTesting.mli main.mli > .depend--Checking Ocaml input files: unchangedocamlc -c unitTesting.mlocamlc  -o GreenNotebook graphics.cma -cclib -lgraphics ability.cmo unitTesting.cmo main.cmo./GreenNotebook -t[Test] Starting  [Ability] ************* [Done][Test] Done
Here's a screenshot from my game:

It's top-down RTS game, not quite playable yet. Almost, though. Just need to add in some units and buildings now...

I did the graphics too, I didn't use ANYTHING from outside sources in my game. I'm writing all the code and making all the graphics and music. Not sure if I'll use this programmer art for the final version, though.
I'm looking at an RTS entry too, hacking my heightmap engine (it probably isn't going to be a 3D terrain).

Have you also written an editor then?
Quote: Original post by ToohrVyk
And here is a "screenshot" from my game:

(ToohrVyk@neutrino)[23] /cygdrive/d/Development/OCaml/4e4/GreenNotebook$ make test--Checking Ocaml input files: unchanged--Re-building dependenciesocamldep ability.mli unitTesting.mli ability.mli ability.mli unitTesting.mli unitTesting.mli main.mli > .depend--Checking Ocaml input files: unchangedocamlc -c unitTesting.mlocamlc  -o GreenNotebook graphics.cma -cclib -lgraphics ability.cmo unitTesting.cmo main.cmo./GreenNotebook -t[Test] Starting  [Ability] ************* [Done][Test] Done

[lol] mine looks about the same [wink]
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Quote: Original post by d000hg
I'm looking at an RTS entry too, hacking my heightmap engine (it probably isn't going to be a 3D terrain).

Have you also written an editor then?

Not really. Right now the maploader just reads in color values from a .BMP file and then converts those to tile indexs. So, in a way, I DO have an editor. It's MS Paint. [grin]
While we're posting screenies

Hopefully I'll be able to work on it today :/
Quote: Original post by Mushu

That looks pretty good! Your programmer art is better than mine.
Haven't I seen you somewhere before ;) ;)

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