
[4e4] WIP: Shootout

Started by June 24, 2005 11:40 PM
33 comments, last by Robomaniac 19 years, 2 months ago
Quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster

On your graphics, are those screenshots from a 1.1-powered scene, or is that a higher-end rendering?

I took the shot from my home machine's Geforce FX 5600 Ultra. Since the engine, by default, uses the maximum shader version for any given card, the shaders were internally compiled with 2.a profile.

My PS1.1 rendering technique looks surprisingly similar, even though it uses precalculated light transfer factors. If I can't optimize the current high-end rendering enough for speed, I'll use this technique on the 2.a profile as well as it runs very fast.

I don't have any effects right now that absolutely require the usage of shader profile 3.0. However, the shaders automatically get the 3.0 optimizations if applicable, for example in pixel-level branching.

Niko Suni

From a while back, I was saying I know Robomaniac from somewhere.

Nice screens Nik02. I can just hope that our game fufills my ambitions. Of coarse our game will have a life beyond 4e4 (I heard you could submit a demo), so I'm not too worried. Good luck!
Yep. My gameplay better blow the world away, or I've got no chance against those graphics.

Nice work.
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Well, this is a game development site. I would think that the judges will not be basing judgement on graphics alone. We should all know that a game with questionable graphics but semidecent gameplay will beat a super powered realistic GOUT engine that has less than decent gameplay.

Though it is like a Mario Kart game--so if implemented propperly, the content should be decent. Most we can hope for, if implemented decently, is marks taken off of polish :P

Anyways, let the OP have his thread back... I'll pay the ransom.
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Yay for hijacking :)

I need to step up and start some better gameplay programming, will post progress sometime late next week, but i dunno how far i'll get (wanna work on my big project some :))
_____________________________Stephen EckenrodeProject Head / Lead Programmer<a href="> Centaur Force

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