
[4E4] Post yer Screenshots

Started by June 28, 2005 12:45 PM
717 comments, last by 18 years, 10 months ago
So far I've only got a robot...

Hard to tell from the screenshots, but there is motion blur in the smaller image.

I'm still working on the ninja.

[edit]moved screens to ... stupid geocities.. [/edit]

[Edited by - Nuget5555 on June 29, 2005 1:19:21 PM]
Quote: Original post by fyhuang
Dude. That's two or three hours? ... looks like I need to sharpen up my programming skills :(. I could get something like that reasonably within a month or so...


Don't worry - Y's got a damn nice engine that he uses for a lot of things. Bah, there goes the competition ;)

EDIT: Holy crap - there goes the competition (drools at above post)
Quote: Original post by Nuget5555
So far I've only got a robot...

Hard to tell from this screenshot, but there is motion blur in this pic /
I'm still working on the ninja.

The pictures don't work.

Quote: Original post by Oberon_Command
Quote: Original post by Nuget5555
So far I've only got a robot...


Hard to tell from this screenshot, but there is motion blur in this pic /
I'm still working on the ninja.

The pictures don't work.

They work for me. They're amazing. I what API he's using, and how he's getting around D3D's 8/16 active light limitation (don't even know if that's still there). I'm just... wow.

EDIT: Now those pictures don't work anymore. Bleh, I must have had them in my cache. But they're HOT!
Hey all!

I'm new here, but me and my friend are taking part in the competition, and here's two early shots of our game.

EDIT: In case, these shots won't show up, try


[Edited by - Eigen on June 29, 2005 2:35:48 PM]
Quote: Original post by Oberon_Command
The pictures don't work.

Not sure why they woudln't work? - Not really an expert on html though.
This is the format I am using:
img src=""
with <>'s

Quote: They work for me. They're amazing. I what API he's using, and how he's getting around D3D's 8/16 active light limitation (don't even know if that's still there). I'm just... wow.

EDIT: Now those pictures don't work anymore. Bleh, I must have had them in my cache. But they're HOT!

Well thank you. Using DirectX 9 - and there's only 5 active lights in the top scene and two in the bottom one. I think the particle smoke makes it look like there are two additional lights in the top image.

Quote: Original post by Nuget5555
Quote: Original post by Oberon_Command
The pictures don't work.

Not sure why they woudln't work? - Not really an expert on html though.
This is the format I am using:
img src=""
with <>'s

Geocities says that the site has exceeded it's allocated data transfer.
Quote: Original post by fyhuang
Dude. That's two or three hours? ... looks like I need to sharpen up my programming skills :(. I could get something like that reasonably within a month or so...

My assessment is most of that is autogenerated... and very poorly too. Look for patterns in the picture. There aren't a lot--and that is not the "not a lot of patterns" in a good way. Though if that is two or three hours, I would guess that most of that time was spend coming up with sections of the map, and after about a few days of work he should have one decent map. Then he can work on models.

A decent contentor--though, don't get needlessly intimidated. Its good, but most of the scary part is fluff.

(Not that I mean to be insulting)

Now I need to get to work on either a) a place for my documentation (my website), b) code for my project, c) regaining ground I lost on graphics.
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props to you all dudes, I am genuinely impressed with all those good looking screenshots. How on earth you have such pretties in such a small amount of time is beyond me.

I hope you've not had to forsake every other bit of your lives to get that far this quick! [wink]
Anything posted is personal opinion which does not in anyway reflect or represent my employer. Any code and opinion is expressed “as is” and used at your own risk – it does not constitute a legal relationship of any kind.

That's just my level editor, which is almost done. I have virtually no content. That tileset you see on the right, that's all the artwork that's been done so far (though those few tiles are pretty nice if I do say so myself) :p

The GUI also sucks.

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