
[4E4] Post yer Screenshots

Started by June 28, 2005 12:45 PM
717 comments, last by 18 years, 10 months ago
Ummm...this is mine...

It is obviously superior to all others in this thread. [smile]
Quote: Original post by Kuladus
Ummm...this is mine...

It is obviously superior to all others in this thread. [smile]

If that is as good as it looks, I'd love to play it.
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Quote: Original post by DakeDesu
If that is as good as it looks, I'd love to play it.


Oh yer, that ninja sprite isn't mine btw. It won't be in the final game - as I just took it off the net for prototyping purposes. The game probably won't end up looking as cartoonish as it is now...

Aw! I like the cartoony look.

Though it seems a lot of entries have it though.

I wonder if my pixel art is different enough to gain an advantage against the cartoony art (which I like--nothing wrong with the cartoony look).
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Might not look like much, but heck there's some buisness logic being tested there [wink]
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Quote: Original post by DakeDesu
Unfornutely I have no screenshots yet--other than taking pictures of my code.

I'd prefer to have coded a more complete codebase, then have atleast developer artwork in the game. Maybe not playable, maybe not balanced, but something to show.

This is mostly a side effect of my design for my level layout, as it isn't a traditional tileplaceing system (where there is a blank background. and tiles are placed anywhere--not in a one or two dimentional array like the traditional method).

However, are Mockups okay?

I editted the OP addressing your concerns and questions.

As a comment about the tile system you're working on - my RTS engine had used "place anywhere" tiles essentially, but the problem arose with culling and figuring out what type of tile that a specific unit was standing on was (iterating through each tile was bottlenecking). In the end, sacrificing random access was far too much sorrow for me, so I went back to the old-school method. Granted, this is for an RTS, not a sidescroller.

EDIT: Oh, and I might have some screenshots of people running around in a couple days. Scary.
Quote: Original post by Mushu
I editted the OP addressing your concerns and questions.

Thank you.

Quote: Original post by Mushu
As a comment about the tile system you're working on - my RTS engine had used "place anywhere" tiles essentially, but the problem arose with culling and figuring out what type of tile that a specific unit was standing on was (iterating through each tile was bottlenecking). In the end, sacrificing random access was far too much sorrow for me, so I went back to the old-school method. Granted, this is for an RTS, not a sidescroller.

Well, for what I am doing it is not the tiles that one has to worry about, but the sprites. I still haven't really planned what I will be doing for walls.

Though I don't really care which tile the hazards/baddies/hero is over, I realised, that my hit detection code for hazards, baddies and heroes suffers from a few problems similar to what you say.

Quote: Original post by Mushu
EDIT: Oh, and I might have some screenshots of people running around in a couple days. Scary.

I know--people who are working on this contest are coming up with entries rather quickly. Or atleast the more noisy ones are--we need a few slowpokes to come forward, as to not discourage people who aren't working as fast. There are various valid reasons I could think of.
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Okay, that's only the beginning (2 or 3 hours of work):

The game will take place in a modern city, so i'm in the process of generating the city level with some random elements (the number of floors, types of the buildings will change, as well as some textures randomly replaced).

Dude. That's two or three hours? ... looks like I need to sharpen up my programming skills :(. I could get something like that reasonably within a month or so...

- fyhuang [ site ]
Quote: Original post by Ysaneya
Okay, that's only the beginning (2 or 3 hours of work):

city pictar

The game will take place in a modern city, so i'm in the process of generating the city level with some random elements (the number of floors, types of the buildings will change, as well as some textures randomly replaced).


Sounds a lot like my project for last semester. Since it's not my 4E4 entry, I'll leave the screenshot as a clicky.

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