
[4E4] Post yer Screenshots

Started by June 28, 2005 12:45 PM
717 comments, last by 18 years, 10 months ago
Quote: Original post by Samith

Looking good! The tile graphics look a lot like Zelda: A link to the past. Mine resemble Warcraft's more than anything. I don't have an editor, though, I just use MS paint (yes, MS paint to do maps. I read in the colour channels and enterpret those to be tile indexes).
(Sorry, I missed a lot of posts)

Quote: Original post by Oberon_Command
Geocities says that the site has exceeded it's allocated data transfer.

Also doesn't geocities disallow hotlinking?
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Quote: Original post by Oberon_Command
Looking good! The tile graphics look a lot like Zelda: A link to the past. Mine resemble Warcraft's more than anything. I don't have an editor, though, I just use MS paint (yes, MS paint to do maps. I read in the colour channels and enterpret those to be tile indexes).

Heh, thanks, that's exactly what I went for when I drew those. MSPaint to make your maps though? That sounds pretty difficult, you'd probably be better off making your own level editor. It's not as hard as I thought it would be, you just have to put yourself to it and it all falls into place pretty easily.
Ok, just a couple of screens from early stages of development(got a lot of base code though from previous projects):

Image Hosted by
Wow, lots of impressive screens, gotta step up to the competition :)
_____________________________Stephen EckenrodeProject Head / Lead Programmer<a href="> Centaur Force
Wow, I am going to get pwned in this contest (if I manage to get an entry in at all).
I'm glad that, if I can get the artwork done, I will, hopefully have more than one entry in... the artwork on these screenshots are marvellous.

It is an honour to be competing with such decent artists.
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Oh well I'm developing a 2D game.. but it's got only 1 aspect of the contest (robots), it's a mechanical robot animal! And the background tiles are dummies. I'm proud of the smooth parallax scrolling.

Quote: Original post by mikeman
Ok, just a couple of screens from early stages of development(got a lot of base code though from previous projects):

Image Hosted by

Thats the kind of honesty I appreciate [grin]
Quote: Original post by skittleo
I guess it's not much to show at the moment, but I am definitely making progress because the project is approaching the 10,000 line mark since the start date.

10,000 huh. I suppose 23 days have passed... the time just seems to have flown by. Anyway thats like an average of about 435 lines of code a day. I suppose looking at it like that, if you've been steadily working on it everyday 10,000 isn't hard to believe, but still impressive.

I'm glad the entry date was set to give us a few months, gives us guys with a day job, wife etc a chance

I still can't help feeling hopelessly outgunned, still I'm having fun [smile]
Anything posted is personal opinion which does not in anyway reflect or represent my employer. Any code and opinion is expressed “as is” and used at your own risk – it does not constitute a legal relationship of any kind.
Playing with backgrounds and some test graphics of my own. Notice the unfinished and sketchy goodness! Gonna implement some smarter background stuff so it's not as slow, then I can work on some 'real' graphics.

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