
[4e5]Discuss: Europe

Started by June 03, 2006 12:13 PM
115 comments, last by superpig 18 years ago
Quote: Original post by JohnnyCasil
Easy solution to kill two birds with one stone.

Make all transactions in your entry use the Euro.

Quote: Original post by maztik8r
Kill 2 birds with one stone.
Use Euro as your currency in your economy and it covers Europe too =)

Wonder where you got that idea =P
But I still think it is a good idea, good to see that others have my same mindset
Quote: Original post by JohnnyCasil
Quote: Original post by JohnnyCasil
Easy solution to kill two birds with one stone.

Make all transactions in your entry use the Euro.

Quote: Original post by maztik8r
Kill 2 birds with one stone.
Use Euro as your currency in your economy and it covers Europe too =)

Wonder where you got that idea =P
But I still think it is a good idea, good to see that others have my same mindset

Thanks for pointing that out.
Wow can't believe I missed that.
It must have subliminally entrenched itself in my mind =P
Quote: Original post by Thrump
Quote: Original post by Sr_Guapo
Quote: Original post by lunixed
Hello, thinking outside the box, I was wondering if I can use Europe, the moon of Jupiter instead of the continent?
Is it possible? becuase the rules just mention Europe.


Notice the 'a'...

Oddly enough, (or not) Europa is the name of a woman in greek mythology, whom both europa the moon and europe are named after. AFAIK.

I'm using that in my game. So you can't. :p jk

And in some languages (Danish, for example), the moon and the continent are spelled the same way anyway (Europa)
LoL, I just thought it was funny how we both said almost the same exact thing, like word for word. Must be all that Jungian philosophy.
Quote: Your game must be set in, over, around, or under Europe. It can be past, present, or future, and it can be anywhere in Europe.

Exactly how far over Europe can this be? Because I could imagine a futuristic setting where space above the respected contries would belong to those countries. So if you projected Europe from the center of the Earth (at a certain data and time) it ( well, the countries of Europe) would own all the systems in that space. Would that be a reasonable expansion of Europe in a far future setting?
Quote: Original post by The_Grand_User
Quote: Your game must be set in, over, around, or under Europe. It can be past, present, or future, and it can be anywhere in Europe.

Exactly how far over Europe can this be? Because I could imagine a futuristic setting where space above the respected contries would belong to those countries. So if you projected Europe from the center of the Earth (at a certain data and time) it ( well, the countries of Europe) would own all the systems in that space. Would that be a reasonable expansion of Europe in a far future setting?

Miiiight work, if you pull it off correctly. Be sure to justify it as being "part of Europe." As I told someone in another thread, simply saying "It's in space, and space is above Europe" is not good enough. Having the space itself be an expansion of Europe, with all that entails (european countries getting subsectors, for example) is much better.

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

Quote: Original post by JohnnyCasil
Quote: Original post by JohnnyCasil
Easy solution to kill two birds with one stone.

Make all transactions in your entry use the Euro.

Quote: Original post by maztik8r
Kill 2 birds with one stone.
Use Euro as your currency in your economy and it covers Europe too =)

Wonder where you got that idea =P
But I still think it is a good idea, good to see that others have my same mindset
You realise not all European countries use the Euro? Sweden (I can never figure out if I should call them Kroner or Crowns - Kr/SEK) and the UK (pounds sterling £ of course) spring to mind.

Quote: Original post by d000hg
Quote: Original post by JohnnyCasil
Quote: Original post by JohnnyCasil
Easy solution to kill two birds with one stone.
Make all transactions in your entry use the Euro.

Quote: Original post by maztik8r
Kill 2 birds with one stone.
Use Euro as your currency in your economy and it covers Europe too =)

Wonder where you got that idea =P
But I still think it is a good idea, good to see that others have my same mindset
You realise not all European countries use the Euro? Sweden (I can never figure out if I should call them Kroner or Crowns - Kr/SEK) and the UK (pounds sterling £ of course) spring to mind.
True. But that the Euro is used in Europe, that's hard to argue with.
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
I've been considering using the Euro the basis of my Emblem if I make an Economics based game; it makes a lot of sense.

Quote: Original post by d000hg
You realise not all European countries use the Euro? Sweden (I can never figure out if I should call them Kroner or Crowns - Kr/SEK) and the UK (pounds sterling £ of course) spring to mind.

Easily solved if you set the game in 2040 [grin]
How explicit must we be about the European setting? For example, if the game were full of characters that fulfilled various British stereotypes, would that be enough? Or if the setting were full of Renaissance-style architecture, and several of the chracters were polymaths, would that be enough to imply 15th century Italy?

My current plan involves being deliberately vague about the exact location of the game, like with the city in Se7en. It's clearly a large city somewhere in the United States, but where exactly isn't stated, and certain elements of the film rule out any real-life city. Would the equivalent for some European city be acceptable?

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