
[4E5] Screenshots and Art

Started by June 05, 2006 10:15 AM
351 comments, last by XDigital 17 years, 9 months ago
Well, seeing as the 4E5 contest has officially started (and now that we all know what the elements are), I figured it would be nice to have an official thread where everyone can post screenshots of their entries or art from their entries. I realize at this point in the contest there may not be either, but I figured it would be nice to have a place to post them. So... if you feel like posting screenshots or artwork, please post them here. If you feel you don't want to divulge any secrets relating to your entry, then don't post. If you want constructive feedback, or want to show off the lates thing that you have done, post your images here. I find threads like this somewhat motivational. I enjoy seeing what other people are capable of creating, and it drives me to do better. Enjoy!
I don't think many people have screenshots yet, maybe concept arts and early models/textures, but not something resembling the final product. Personally I will try to create most of my content procedurally so it will take a little while before I have anything to show. I haven't even learned to use my game engine yet.
I was going to post one of these, but I figured we didn't need it since we have IOTD now.

In any case, I'm keeping a record of my progress in my journal. Rah.
Naaah! Course we need an image thread for 4E5, IOTD is good but I don't think it's suitable for the screenshot spam that comes from the 4E contests. I loved reading the 4E4 screenshots thread last year!
Progress is born from the opportunity to make mistakes.

My prize winning Connect 4 AI looks one move ahead, can you beat it? @nickstadb
Quote: Original post by InsaneBoarder234
... I don't think it's suitable for the screenshot spam competition that comes from the 4E contests.

There, fixed. [wink]
I'm just jealous that I wasn't the one to post it this year. Ah, well :P

Might as well put up some screenies then, eh?

War of Attrition

(editor for creating tiles from a tilesheet; is a sub-editor of the tilesheet editor)

(editor for creating sheets from... a tilesheet; is a sub-editor of the map editor)

(map editor... edits maps; is a sub-editor to the mission editor)

(component set editor; cut object components from a tilesheet; sub-editor to the object editor where they're assembled)

I'm using MUI v1.0 (Mushu's UI Library) for the stuff. Its usage is really nasty right now, I'm planning on writing v2.0 after the entry is complete, then releasing it.

The game itself is, essentially, an RTS which is set mostly in the Eastern Front of WW2, starting with the Invasion of Poland. We'll see where it goes from there. A heavy emphasis will be placed on the plot, with a TBS-style dialogue system. The story follows a young tank commander and his two close friends and comrades as they are deployed during the Third Reich, and the conflicts they encounter arising from differences in moral obligations and the call of duty.

I'm having fun with it, at least :)
I've got a tree:

It's rendered in my own engine with stencil shadow volumes. Since contest start I've added mipmapping (without glu), uv export, normals and T&L lighting. The tree model was generated in Arbaro and played with in blender. The textures are from limefly.
___________________________________________________David OlsenIf I've helped you, please vote for PigeonGrape!
Wow and awsome! It is good to see some progress already! I think if I push myself I might have a blank window up and running by the end of the week.
Here's a screen from the engine we're using to create our entry: Angels 22
My Current Project Angels 22 (4E5)
For the main map, my rather crappy looking map generator (with some changes, it'll probably be set inland and look a lot nicer)

we'll be going with a custom GUI in the style of one of those old RPG books (turn to page 128). stealing this idea is punishable by death

for plant life i'll be using my grass-map

and Klasker's trees-

and everything else rests heavily on the artist's shoulders :D

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