
Zeldiah: Time of War

Started by May 13, 2007 06:51 PM
27 comments, last by Thanatos M5 17 years, 3 months ago
Quote: Original post by Alpha_ProgDes
Quote: Original post by Gamer11
This is a scetch of one of the enemies

1. Fixed.
2. You might want to flesh your idea some more.
3. Afterwards, you might wanted an artist.

Yeah i Just had to get a scetch of an enemy this is just a smalll one!

Original post by Alpha_ProgDes
Quote: Original post by Gamer11

1. Fixed.
2. You might want to flesh your idea some more.

Yeah i was thinking of getting some to scetch the main characters, levels, veichles, and wepons!

That's a pretty intimidating enemy. About as intimidating as Barney - this is not a flame, but if you replace those off-white things protruding from its arms with nine-inch retractable claws and fix its eye/eyes (can't tell), it will be far more convincing. Other than the context of the picture, it's very nice for a 'sketch'.

Second, your names are, to be blunt, quite terrible. I'd look into Latin or another well-known language for some name roots for the races and names of characters on Zeldiah. It would be a bad idea to actually use this name, but replacing the name 'Pallidins' with the name 'Draconians' would be an example of building on a linguistic root. (This comes from the Greek politician Draco and his extremely harsh punishment system while administrating Athens. In fact, the Greek Draco is the inspiration for Harry Potter's Draco Malfoy - the evil counterpart of Harry.)

My third and final recommendation is that you shy away from coming up with weapons/vehicles/maps/etc. until the story is finished and in some presentable form. Again, I do not mean to insult or flame you in any way, but the initial post has portrayed itself as the work of a twelve-year-old.

If you need any additional help or suggestions, just PM me; I'd be glad to drop you a line and help you get this story idea off the ground.
Quote: Original post by Thanatos M5
About as intimidating as Barney - this is not a flame, but if you replace those off-white things protruding from its arms with nine-inch retractable claws and fix its eye/eyes (can't tell), it will be far more convincing.

If the lead character is male, I'd say those dildo arms are far more intimidating then mere claws. [grin]
Quote: Original post by tstrimp
Quote: Original post by Thanatos M5
About as intimidating as Barney - this is not a flame, but if you replace those off-white things protruding from its arms with nine-inch retractable claws and fix its eye/eyes (can't tell), it will be far more convincing.

If the lead character is male, I'd say those dildo arms are far more intimidating then mere claws. [grin]

Well you see the reson it has those arms is because it is supposed to be sword hands and i was also going to use claws to. And the reson it has no eyes is because it lives in dark caves so it can't so it doesn't need them. And i was thinking for names of characters to use the Roman God that fits there character. Story is still in process. I'm trying to get someone to do scethes of the main characters. This game is trying to get the idea of a RPG with action/war combat. First you start out doing small things aroud the adventures world then you can inlist to fight in battles in the war with other on line players. Trust it is really cool!

Not only is that idea undeniably cool, but it is undeniably impossible. I'd break it down into a series, introducing the simplest game possible (for a first title) and branching up to your MMO idea later on. MUCH later on. I like the idea, but it's just not of the writing caliber expected of a decent video game, not to mention the fact that your aspirations are far too high for the actual development of a game.

If you don't mind, I'll translate your ideas into something feasible.

Zeldiah, the 'planet of now', is locked in a mortal struggle between two civilizations: the warlike Cozom, a once-brutish, apelike race that has turned to a policy of peace in a world polarized against them; and the Pallidins, a race that, while once striving to maintain peace, has been forced to turn to war to gain arable land and continue supporting its people.

On the Pallidins' 'Day of Jubilance', a holiday meant to celebrate their independence from Cozom occupations thousands of years ago, a strange alien fleet under the name of Humanity landed on Zeldiah. Scattered and weary, the so-called Humans turned to the Palladins for assistance in finding another inhabitable world, as Earth had long since turned into a sulfuric Hell; the Pallidins agreed to help them inhabit Zeldiah, but the human leaders expect that the Pallidins have a more sinister side to their gratitude...
Quote: Original post by Thanatos M5
Not only is that idea undeniably cool, but it is undeniably impossible. I'd break it down into a series, introducing the simplest game possible (for a first title) and branching up to your MMO idea later on. MUCH later on. I like the idea, but it's just not of the writing caliber expected of a decent video game, not to mention the fact that your aspirations are far too high for the actual development of a game.

If you don't mind, I'll translate your ideas into something feasible.

Zeldiah, the 'planet of now', is locked in a mortal struggle between two civilizations: the warlike Cozom, a once-brutish, apelike race that has turned to a policy of peace in a world polarized against them; and the Pallidins, a race that, while once striving to maintain peace, has been forced to turn to war to gain arable land and continue supporting its people.

On the Pallidins' 'Day of Jubilance', a holiday meant to celebrate their independence from Cozom occupations thousands of years ago, a strange alien fleet under the name of Humanity landed on Zeldiah. Scattered and weary, the so-called Humans turned to the Palladins for assistance in finding another inhabitable world, as Earth had long since turned into a sulfuric Hell; the Pallidins agreed to help them inhabit Zeldiah, but the human leaders expect that the Pallidins have a more sinister side to their gratitude...

Thanks! That makes my ideas sound really good. And is this really impossible to make?

So you think this idea is cool and the story?
This is a more modified version of the story. is this one written better.

A long time ago on the Planet Zeldiah or “planet of now” species use to live in tranquility, that is in till the Cozoms, or also known as warlords, leader Trigon, a man mad with power, commanded the Cozmos to take over the planet and kill anyone that got in their way or if not to follow these orders would be put to death. Many Years after that very day known as the “Day of Mourning” the Cozmos had enslaved and killed many species and they where the superior beings. But unfortunately there was only one species that stood in their way from completely controlling the planet which was a being known as the Pallidins , or also known as the peace makers, which, had managed to stay out of the clutches of the Cozmos. But it was only matter of time that the Cozmos found them, so the Pallidins are forced to break there ways of life and go to war with the Cozmos and stop them from destroying there whole existence. The Pallidins then quickly form allies with a different kind called Humans that had come to there planet because there homeland became to dangerous to live on and had left to find new life and new place to live. Unfortunealtly, they had lost track of there other followers. So they ask the Pallidins help to reunite with their companions and finally come back to harmony. The Pallidins promised to help them reunite if they helped with there crisis with the Cozmos. They then become allies and are ready to fight. The war has started and it is known as the War Apolo or “War of New Begging”.
You must remember that all madmen do not consider themselves to be madmen, and that all madmen in power are drastically outnumbered by the neurotypical population. So, that said, I would expect the people to initiate an uprising against Emperor Trigon; with their reputation spurning Palladin aggression (not to mention the lack of a Palladin breadbasket territory), a twofold war, against the people and the Palladin armies, would probably bring the Empire under Trigon down faster than you could count to three.

In other words, don't create a black-and-white good vs. evil story. Convey the mentality that the Cozoms really don't want to destroy the Palladins, but their mad leader has driven them into a disastrous war. As for the Palladins, they justify their Cozom-like imperialism with the message of promoting freedom and justice, but who is the villain and who is the hero?

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