
An untapped Genre, and an idea of a possible game.

Started by May 10, 2008 07:20 PM
104 comments, last by Zooch 16 years, 2 months ago
Here's my little input on communication options:

Ok, how about players voices project as far as far as they would in real life without any equipment, but later maybe players could find megaphones to extend the area in which your voice projects, or walkie talkies that allow you to speak with other players that have walkie talkies.

Also text bubbles should work in a similar way for people without microphones.

good idea LOOY text bubbles megaphones and walkie talkies all seem like they would be a good addition, also have u started working on a little bit of the game yet?

cryo i hope your voice recognition system goes good :)
No, I'm not really working on the game yet, I'm only starting with game code so I'm going to take some good advice and start small, I'll still check in on this project and add ideas, but by the time I'm ready to start Viperr's version will be finished.
alright well as long as your getting somewhere :)
Quote: Original post by Blarkage
...cryo i hope your voice recognition system goes good :)

I can't actually do that! It was just an idea :P I do not have the resources or the experience to make something like that....yet.
I had another idea, regarding zombie spawning this time:

The zombies could spawn on a every so many seconds basis, i don't know what it would be set to becausce thats something that you balance later with playtesting. But anyway, it could start with something like 1 zombie every ten seconds, and slowly decreasce to some thing like 1 zombie per second (again, this is just an example time, you'd have to balance later). The zombies could then spawn anyware on the map, but they must apear out of LOS with humans and they cannot spawn in the same building as a human.

I think this would be better than standard spawn points, but if this is difficult to program just splatter spawn points everywhere and then make sure they can't be seen or arn't to close to a human if a zombie uses it.
ahhh, cryo that sucks :(

LOOY, yeah we will need a spawn system, but you would need somewhere that the disease broke out of, and start the first few zombies there and then slowly move out making use of spawn points farther in the city, a possible idea for this is when a zombie reaches an area in the city zombies will start to spawn there, this will allow players to contain the disease, into a lab or something that the disease would logically come from, if the players are very good.

What you would have to do is choose a logical area to start the spawning, then scatter random spawn points around the map that are more like "checkpoints" for the zombie team, as the zombies access the checkpoint zombies start to spawn there, so this way the faster the zombies get all over the city, the faster the zombie disease/virus spreads, and the faster you get massive hordes of zombies, but again to provide a very realistic scenario players should be able to try to contain the disease, but the longer its contained the more zombies come out, and it should not be anywhere near easy to contain, it shouldnt be like zombies walking at you down a hall and you just pluck them off, their should be many available escapes and if one zombie escapes un-noticed then he goes and activates a checkpoint and then you will end up going from containing the disease to being surrounded.
Quote: Original post by Blarkage
ahhh, cryo that sucks :(...

I want to get started on my version of this game. Doing voice recognition is a huge step...haha. Plus I work like 10-12 hours a day...Still don't have time to get on this!

Oh, okay well okay, maybe we could get LOOY and Viperr working on the game(for as far as they can get done), and then put their projects together and combine them with your voice recognition and other peoples projects for a game, after all a good 3d game will require a team of people working on it, not one or two people.
Yes, and once I get things working and get some content finished, I can make screenshots and videos. When people see the project is actually getting somewhere, they will be more willing to join in and help.

I am currently programming the graphics engine and modelling a policestation as a test area. I have the basic controls to walk around done but no collision detection yet.
Ive implemented the standard features like normalmapping and specular mapping and it already looks cool.
Also working on a completely dynamic sunlight- and shadowsystem to have day/night cycles.

No work done on actual gameplay yet. I am building this policestation first so I have something to apply the gameplay to ;)

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