
A moments silence

Started by September 11, 2001 09:39 AM
86 comments, last by MadKeithV 23 years ago
3rd world war? no other problems?

ok, its not good, but america wanted it! you feel arrogant and think nobody can attack you, now youve got the answer! my opinion, its not good, but its true! sorry for it, but it had to be said!

i feel with you all of course, im not completly bad
This is a really bad tragedy for the USA and I''m still confused about what''s happening/happened. Let''s pray that WW III doesn''t begin since I have my life just ahead .

Another thing I was thinking was about the deaths, how many there died? Is that more than in Hiroshima?
I live in Northern Ireland So I know about terrorism.
I have seen families dead and my best friend orphaned. It pains me to see that people will think Nuke the bastards.
Innocent people shouldn''t suffer. Don''t bomb all arab cities.
I extend my sympathy to all people who have suffered from this terrorist act. I also show my sympathy to all people who have died from terrorism. Guys I hate to say it but sadly it probably isn''t over yet. It saddens me to think that so many innocent people will die because of this or are already dead.
PEACE that 5 letter world is what we all really want.
I would just like to remind all people that this is similar to war and in WAR THERE ARE NO WINNERS.
May God Bless you and keep you safe.
This was just crazy. I was walking to my car from class about to go to work when I heard people talking about a plane hitting one of the towers. I thought that it may have been an accident, but when I got into my car and listen to the radio I found out that it was a terrorist attack. I was a my job at the USDA for about 5 minutes, when the message came out that all federal buildings were being evacuated. While I was driving home I heard that the 2nd building was collapsing, I didn''t even know the first one had. Then I learned the Pentagon was hit. I have a cousin that works there and have no idea what is going on.

This is really sad, and really sick, how people can just take innocent lives like that.
I would like to start by offering my deepest simpathy to anyone that knows a friend/family member involved in this terrible incident.

I believe that noone will step forward to claim responsibility for this accident, they have not done so yet, and are unlikely to do so. They will now have seen the worlds reaction to what they have done, and will know that if they admit they done it, they can expect every country in the world to come down hard on them. No country will protect them now, and if they try, they can expect the entire world to impose embargos on this country, sealing it off from the outside world.

G Coates

Gavin Coates

Gavin Coates
[size="1"]IT Engineer / Web Developer / Aviation Consultant
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"In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb" ,
"The third big war will begin when the big city is burning"
- Nostradamus 1654

sn4ip3r from Europe/Estonia
In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb" ,
- Nostradamus 1654

Nostradamus didn''t say that, it''s just a bad rumor related to this page
where the web site creator just made up this prophesy as, ironically, an example of why Nostradomus'' predictions are worthless.

"Unintentional death of one civilian by the US is a tragedy; intentional slaughter of a million by Saddam - a statistic." - Unknown
This war (and it is a war) has been going on for some time now. I want to express my sympathy and sorrow for all those who were killed or who lost someone in this cowardly attack. We must find out who is responsable and bring them to justice. Unfortunately, over the next few months (or years) I believe all sides involved will continue to escalate.
"A man can't just sit around." 'Lawn Chair' Larry Walters (1982)
It''s a sad day. PEACE!


Visit Rarebyte! and no!, there are NO kangaroos in Austria (I got this question a few times over in the states ;) )
To the people of the Middle East who have been killed in the past several months due to the violence there, I extend my best wishes. To the people of Northern Ireland and Ireland who have suffered because of violence, I extend my best wishes. And to all the other countries who have been suffering from violence but that slip my mind at the moment, I extend my best wishes. To the USA, I can only say FUCK OFF!!! How long has terrorism been going on in other countries?! How much have we done?!?! I really have no sympathy for the USA (of which I am a citizen). We''ve really had this coming for a LONG time. However only now that something this awful has happened to us do we give a damn about it!! Suck it up!!!

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