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I'd like to rant about my gamedev experience. (5 years+)

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40 comments, last by Simitus 4 years, 2 months ago

NikiTo said:
What if i am used to declare functions inside functions, but C++ is a donkey at this? If there is something i can not do without some fancy C++ feature, i would spend a whole day of googling in order to learn that new cryptic feature. So far i haven't feel the need to learn anything new in C++.

Yeah, because you don't know that you could be working faster. Dunning-Krueger says hello. You simply assume that you are working efficiently, while at the same time you are not. And in your own little world it makes sense, because you don't know any better. But a good programmer is curious and is trying to get to work more efficiently. While you just say “its good enough”, while at the same time maybe working at 25% efficiency.

NikiTo said:
If you use global variables, in a team, you are a death body. The program does the same, but you are kicked out of the company. A standalone person can do it. No problem.

Using global variables has the very same effect as a single programmer as in a team. The only difference is that while working alone there is nobody to punish your for being bad. While at work you are expected to perform, otherwise you are rightfully booted out. So you are saying that you are fine with being a subpar programmer, just because you can get away with it.

NikiTo said:
For the time i figure out if some new fancy extra in C++ can help me or not, i can do the same with basic syntax. Most of the time i can't feel an extreme urgent need for the latest syntax candies. And it is a fact i can fake it all with basic syntax. If i can not, it is only because C++ is inherently bad at the things i try to code. I understand why you protect your own reality. I protect my own reality too. It is about opinions.

Oh, get that crap out of here. If a new feature in C++ allows me to type less code, have to remember less and is less prone to errors, than it is objectively better. For example, std::unique_ptr is objective better then managing raw new/delete in any way. I'm not talking about subjective topics like how to name your function. Again, it all comes down to you being narrow-minded. And thats a reality that you gleefully parade around.
(I'm going to stop this discussion now because I don't feel I can continue it without having to result to personal attacks, as you just keep repeating yourself and seem to be unable to look past your own box of half-knowledge. Feel free to live in that happy bubble of ignorance)


@JoeJ Sure it is possible, but you had to trick the syntax and it looks ugly.

You can use functional programming in C# or you can directly write functional programing in F#. Functional F# and OOP C# can directly read each other of their classes. Directly. Because under the hood it should produce the very similar if not the exact same code. Or because of the abstraction. I guess they produce the very same code rather than relaying on abstractions.

I want to get back to the personal usage of the syntax. I work alone. I can do anything i want in C++. In a team i am a slave. But working alone, i am free.

And it is the same, thing. It is not fair to call me a bad programmer because i don't want to master C++. I know what i am doing. I am a noob in C++ but I do am a programmer.

You really consider i am a noob because i am not a master at C++. You don't need to explain me lambdas. Maybe you are not understanding what are you are doing now, but you are teaching me how to add 2 to 2 as if i were seeing a computer for the first time. And all this because you ignore all the other languages, but C++.

I used lambdas in C#. No need to teach me about lambdas just because i don't use them in C++. I know what is a lambda… Don't treat all the non C++ wizards as a noobs in programming. Non C++ masters, could be good programmers too.

@juliean you are super spoiled. You know nothing about tough life. Nothing about shark teamworking. You grew inside a paradise. A safe bubble. Are you programming in the company of your uncle? If you change your safe team, you are gone, dude. I will throw you to functional programmers and they will eat you alive. You are spoiled. I don't know how competitive are people in your place. I will send you to work in a team in the East and the sharks will eat you alive.

German saying: “Wie man in den Wald ruft, so schallt es heraus.”, meaning that the response of others depends on how one approaches them.

I have worked in quite a few teams during my life, in science and sport, hobby and work. Sometimes there is just that one who plays the angry bird or the disrupter, the know-it-all or the one who constantly eats up time of others, the choas dispenser or the motormouth, and all those shades of an individual who can or will not work in a team. The team could be much more productive if that single person would just quit. I must admit that on one or two occsions I had to quit because it just didn't work out, but that was not the rule.

And so it comes that people, who normally would be teaming up like dolphins, apparently, from one point of view, turn into sharks …

Hello reader. If you can dream it, you can create it. Take it from a tortured soul with a tired old eye for patterns.

There is a distinct lack of enthusiasm and a more absurd lack of genius in the game development industry. It leaves genuinely talented people in ruin. This is the wasteful way of modernism, whatever that word means to you. This is prevalent throughout humanity and not just with games.

This can be proven by looking at the patterns of best selling games as the years go by. Clones and clones of clones. Hidden gems are mostly forgotten in time, as nobody has the brains or the time to understand the psychology behind it.

It is absolutely understood that you who have devoted years of your time to that industry are either falling flat or learning to bury your dreams beneath another’s concrete path.

The problem lies in the lack of communication and the absence of a clear platform for people to work together. Since I’m not here to trigger revolt, I will instead plant a seed of hope for you in the midst of this broken soul party: if your golden idea, the reason you are in this industry, is great enough, then there will be others who can help you as long as you can wed them to your path as you yourself married it… And if you cannot explain it well enough to pull together the right people, find the one who can.

I don’t say these things to make you feel better, I say it because I can tell Night from Day. Your clarity of mind is simply a side effect.

A Leader is simply someone that knows the plan.


@Green_Baron Do you remember what i told you about giving quotes? I gave them a quote coming from the spiritual leader of free software, and they completely ignored that quote.

I understand people wanting to expand the programming languages.

But modern languages are more prompt to make people fight.

If you work in a team moving sacks around, it is easy to make it work, because no much thinking is involved. But programming in a team is a highly intellectual task. Where minds clash.

Giving more extras to a language is not bad. But it gives more variation.

The >>very same thing<< can be expressed in many ways in the syntax. And a thinker can see something as good, while >>that same thing<< other thinker could completely discard. It is a war about the same thing. A richer language - more opportunities for disagreement.

And if you have two persons moving sacks around and one of them is stronger. The weaker one could feel smaller and less important, but he has an escape to calm his state of mind -
“I am weaker, but my wife is hotter than yours.”

When a composer and a painter work together, the composer is not feeling menaced by the painter. Because -
“ I can not paint, but i can play music. I feel worthy.”

What happens if two people work in the same intellectual area? -
“You are clever than me, but …..”
“Hahaha, you id--t, what? Even if you have a nicer wife, you are a donkey. Even if you can sing or paint, this doesn't change the fact you are donkey.”

It hurts not much if somebody lifts more sacks at work than you.
It hurts not much if somebody sings better than you.


If somebody is more clever than you, you have not a place to hide your self-respect.

Working in a team in intellectual areas is brutal and savage. It is were people feel the most offended. Where the most brutal wars happen.

(I have seen a woman in the metro who is considered to be a 10/10 because of her makeup. She was acting like a self proclaimed princess. Then she tried to unroll the cable of her earplugs. And she was unable to do it. Every movement that was knotting the cables more and more was provoking the princess to sweat. She started to feel s---id. She started sweating. Her self esteem crashed to the ground in few seconds. Her glued eyebrows started detach because of the sweat. It was painful to watch. It is important for us if we are looking nice. It is important for us if we are tall and strong and slim. But for humans the most important is their intellectual level. Inside a team, if you make ACCIDENTALLY other people feel st---d, they will devour you alive. Because you menace their very base state of mind. Self esteem, self acceptation.)

I would rather move sacks during the day and code at home after work, than working in a team as a programmer. I don't want to pay for it with my nerves, with my hair, with my health, no thanks.

Going indie is the only option for me as a programmer!

(I am working in a team with the guys who wrote all the libraries and APIs i use daily. But they are thousands of kilometers away from me, in a safe place, far from my angry swearing when VS crashes. This is how it must be done - every member of the team, never seeing the other, not knowing who the other is. Otherwise it is a massacre. Many people would gladly let themselves be massacred for the immense privilege to work for big tech companies. And for money. Not me.)

NikiTo said:
@JoeJ Sure it is possible, but you had to trick the syntax and it looks ugly.

No tweaking of syntax in either case, and after you get used to new things they become natural, not ugly anymore.

I should know, because i'm lazy and resistant to learn new language features myself. For once, because initially C++ did not give much benefit over plain C for me, and secondly because i'm not very interested in programming languages.
But i adopted one feature after the other with time. Looking up how lambdas work takes 5 minutes. Then i use it once, forget the syntax, but can lookup my own code for it. After using it several times i have adopted with zero effort, and there's no going back.

But it's up to you what language you want to use. C#, F#, whatever you like.
Just, if you make wrong claims in a public forum, you'll stand corrected. And you tend to deal with this badly.

You mentioned before you want reputation from others about your work, and you care what other people think or say about you. Everybody does so to some degree.
To make your life easier, some suggestions from my side:

Avoid presenting your personal opinion on something as general truth. You are more often wrong than not. Beginners may read this and so experienced people will correct you to avoid misinformation.
Instead, just add ‘IMO’ to your claims, which relaxes the situation in the first place.

Avoid to add unrelated noise to proof your wrong claims. You can not add a quote of Torvalds and expect this gives you any backing. Torvalds likes to rant, and probably he criticized bad usage of C++, less the language itself.
If he himself prefers C over C++, i'm fine with that. Depends. Is he working on Linux Kernels? Probably C is no bad choice there.
But respect other peoples choices and opinions. Your personal truth is not general - it's subjective, and just one of many.

Avoid making claims about things you know nothing about. I assume you never worked in a software development team, and your assumptions about it are just noise.
Some Teamwork in schools may not represent reality of any business. I have only little team experience, but i never experienced any of the issues you mention.

Most important: Assume you could be wrong but someone else could be right. All the time. Be ready to take a step back, stand corrected, admit fallacy, even apologize if things got heated before.
And finally learn from your mistake. It's a very effective way of learning, and gives you and others respect, everybody is happy and things move on. In teams, forums, everywhere.
Or just be an ass and care a shit about others thoughts, expect they either just believe you, or they must be retards. Ignore them all and learn nothing. This works for many, but they also do not care about the water around them.

It takes years for a large team of veteran game developers to produce a MMO, and even those are a buggy, clunky, mess most of the time. You're grappling with one of the toughest, most demanding, types of games as a solo and then beating yourself up for it. I don't doubt your ability to program, or to make games even, I question your outlook. Of course your programming is slow when you're adding code into a project meant for a large team, comparatively your contributions are like drops of water into the grand canyon.

If you throw an untrained swimmer into the middle of the ocean he drowns quickly; its no wonder you're burnt out. If producing a MMO is your pursued magnum opus then instead of trying to grudge through it solo you should put yourself in a position to lead a team. That's probably going to mean years of working on things that are not even remotely related to your ‘ultima’ game, but that's the price of entry for this kind of ride.

I think you've only ever experience the worst part of game development and it has build this negative internal look about you as a developer. You could probably make killer games if you rethink your approach to developing your worlds.


You are all right!
I am wrong!
You all win!
I lose!
Your personal experiences invalidate mine.
C++ is the mother of god of all programming languages.
You all did the most correct choice when deciding to work in C++.
Please, forgive me for attempting to challenge the correctness of your bright personal choices to dedicate your whole lives to the mother of god of all languages. I am unable to see the greatness of this decision. A monkey can not understand what gods think. Please, forgive me! I kneel on glass and kiss your feet while asking you for your forgiveness.

I don't want to disturb any longer your indisputable correctness, my Lords. So i will just change my password to something my defectuous brain of zero IQ can not remember.

Thank you again, for having looked down to me from heavens!

NikiTo said:
Thank you again, for having looked down to me from heavens!

You're welcome. I'm glad to help. ;-)

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