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I'd like to rant about my gamedev experience. (5 years+)

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40 comments, last by Simitus 4 years, 2 months ago

Juliean said:
So you are saying that you are fine with being a subpar programmer, just because you can get away with it.

This is one of the things that make me a “bad programmer” according to lists I found. You can get away with it but there's a bit more attached to this behaviour. My current verdict on my own coding standards is: I was trying to apply OOP, but OOP is probably useless for me. I was instead doing data orientated pogramming all along and trying to shove OOP standards into it and judging it by that. From a data oriented programming point of view, I'm less terrible. ?‍♂️


That's all very true.


So true, yes. There's nothing specifically dramatic about my journey, it's not worse than many other gamedev stories. There's a whole army of “not much to show” people out there, some are very talented. Like I knew an artist who started over and over again and I thought everything he modelled was pure gold.

I'm not particularly frustrated either, especially not after some months break. But certainly lower on energy than I used to be. Had I not spent time in gamedev I would forever wonder if I could have done it, probably.

I'm probably going back to gamedev soon. I did the first step, and cleaned up here. Somewhere is a backup harddisk with the projects.

But this time I'll be very organised, I might have to evolve to being a leader. My first steps will be to publish the thing I made before, to get feedback, maybe people even like it. Then move on to an online shooter. I'll write a full game design document so that it can be presented to others. I'll cut down all the steps into children's portions. I will skip on unnecessary things like cheat-protection for the start. And I'm going to accept minecraft-tier graphics. I will be fine using only 5 different types of trees. I'm going to take “minimum viable product” very serious and shrink the project so much that I could finish it alone, and still try to get help from different people. No milestone of this project should ever take longer than 2 weeks to reach.

My time estimation / actual time spent ratio is 1:3. Maybe 2 weeks for a milestone is still too long, as they'd turn into 6. Maybe I should go for 1 week. And planning the entire project to take 3 months, not 6.

Yes, everything needs to be cut into ant portions. No more smart solving of self-created problems, only solutions now. And no more frustration, only for fun. Will see how it goes.

My first step would be to make a new map generator (old one was way too slow), that's actually not very much fun already. ?


Suffering the mind is nowhere in your To Do list.

As soon as your expectation is not what you desire, you are losing frequency. This results in lack of motivation and more. I know this all seems sublime but the results are dramatic.

Line up your expectation with your desire and you will have more energy- you will move faster.


@throwawaydev I enjoyed reading that. NEED MORE. Also: Link me up with that turnbased browser game when you're ready for some testers, or even if you're not. I've played some real sh**ty WIPs in my time so the bar is pretty low

I've worked in more than a few dev groups… yeah these are common issues, you have the people wanting to call the shots that make no contribution. You have people that work 10 minutes a week, or an hour a year. Its unrealistic to build all aspects of a game on your own, at a high level. At the end of the day you need a group, which is harder to build than a game, to find half a dozen people that want to work on a similar project. Or you find a group and they do something crazy like get married and have kids, and leave the group. Its a lot of fun, you make a realistic knight age type game as an example, as the stated plan… sure enough the artist makes a unicorn with talking mushrooms… the coder wants to make a castle lemonade stand. With the music some sort of death metal… with animations of a knight on horse back killing orcs…. its like none of these things go together… no coherent story can form, and some how pointing out the issues is bad… that somehow me pointing these issues out is what destroyed the project…

I wouldn't care about others opinions… people that never built a game, or an internet troll… they live to inflict pain upon others. What a sad existence… not that they deserve sympathy…

The older styles of games in an updated format would kick these new games teeth in… the pay to win games, and EA makes a copy the last game and update the graphics… they have money, but no vision or creativity. The start of the process is so important, of what will the game look like, what is the plan. They often have no answers… anyways if you guys need a writer for the crazy concept of stories…

Possibly post a project you want to work on? See if anyone wants to join.

If you have a fun project in mind, with nontraditional and obscene characters, probably save time and message me.

Right on @launcher111

This is how you end up with a messy world like Azeroth.

(1) Someone smokes a spliff and then decides it’s a steam punk game.

(2) Someone has a great idea and then rapes it to death (forgets the original vision they had because they put so much glitter and cream on it).

(3) The leader lets people start to walk all over his plan. As soon as that happens it’s too late. Gnomes and robots are going to crop up quicker than a DMT trip.


It's extremely difficult to get a functional developer group together. You work on a project that everyone agrees on and they are to busy building pong 2.0… along with a lemonade stand game thinking this is how they will become famous… that pong and a kids game would be the key to success. They had to be smoking Jefferies… Which the groups don't say up front.

So many groups want to build a game that is slightly different but almost none want to travel uncharted territory. Warhammer shadow of the horned rat, warzone 2100, xcom ufo defense, dungeons and dragons type games, strong hold type games, port royal, these are solid games, can update the format, change things around but the core concept is proven. The pay to win games are disgusting, inevitably the oldest players of the game have such powerful bonuses they are invincible by design. Which you may milk that game to death, but once its dead… its really gone. Like wise the sports games that come out year after year for a cash grab… they will always have fans… but the gimmick nature of it hurts the long term growth. People will get fed up with minor changes for 50-60 dollars a year… i did.. I know others have…

I enjoy when you have a group and they want to be paid 14-20 hourly… it's like… its a group…. They are not able to comprehend that it would cost tens of thousands of dollars… at that point they are employees, and it isnt a group. They want all the reward and none of the risk… which yeah… what a team….

If you have a fun project in mind, with nontraditional and obscene characters, probably save time and message me.

@organicpencil I will probably post the browser game here soon. ? Need to scrape together some change first. Webservers are cheap but not free. I mean it's not much but it adds up anyway. ? Blessed are those who have no running costs.

That sounds like an awesome mmo! Something less ‘Arcade’ and more casual, but hopefully easier to get into than what's put out now. How about just a single or 2-player adventure for now, then develop the rest in the background? This is an excellent thread to read.

@throwawaydev Yeah, I can relate a lot to what you're going through here. Congrats on completing a few games. I've never made anything to show for my nearly 20 years of indie development. I feel like a competent programmer, but my graphics skills are trash.

I used to be full of inspiration and an endless supply of ideas, to the point where that guy with an idea over there who thought he had some big huge game idea with 0 skills and was gonna get rich off of my programming experience, well that guy had nothing. I still kinda feel that way, but I can't even get inspired enough to have an original idea anymore. Idk what happened to me.. I turned 30?

Anyway, if you want any help, I'd love to pitch in where I can. I've got a full time job and all, even through all the craziness going around, but yeah.. I'll help where I can.

You should check out "Yahtzee's Dev Diary" on Youtube. He constantly had projects he left unfinished, so he decided to build 12 games in 12 months using game maker. I'm not saying you should necessarily do exactly that, but it's worth a look at. The point is to build a small scope project within a small amount of time and then leave it alone.

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