🎉 Celebrating 25 Years of GameDev.net! 🎉

Not many can claim 25 years on the Internet! Join us in celebrating this milestone. Learn more about our history, and thank you for being a part of our community!


Latest C# Activity

Hello everyone 🙂

I'm looking for a Porting Engineer for one of my clients in Poznań Poland.

Budget: 8000 -15 000 PLN B2B + VAT per month

Location: The job is located in Poland, in Poznań. The first 3 months can be partially remote, after which the company requires on-site work at the Poznań office.



Bambi Ascension | Carnistas Uprising is a 3D Anime Toon Shaded Action RPG game with lewd features where there will be three playable characters and the protagonists are trying to free their world from a tyranial overlord that seeks to enslave society to his liking. The game is being created in Unit…

April 18, 2024 03:01 PM
NeoAxis Game Engine 2024.1 Released

NeoAxis releases a new version NeoAxis Engine, a versatile real-time platform for making 3D, 2D games and apps.

This release includes a large number of changes in all components of the engine. Improved graphics, physics, sound, network support, resource and object management.

Full changelog.

Updated …
April 05, 2024 01:46 PM
Game Dev Digest Issue #228 - The Magic Behind The Engineering

This article was originally published on GameDevDigest.com

Some game dev tips before we head into the eclipse. Enjoy!

2D Water Shader Breakdown - I wanted to try out some 2D reflections and ended up with this water shader. Sampling the noise textures with pixelated UVs really helped to make it fit w…


If your modders are intended to write Lua scripts, it doesn't follow that they should see further “internal” Lua code: you can publish only example mods and optional official libraries. 

And when your engine executes mod scripts, there is no compelling reason to do it by monkeypatching your int…

Update March 22, 2024:

Recruiting through this post is no longer open.

Application Deadline

March 30, 2024

Project Start Date

April 15, 2024

Project Completion Date

June 8, 2024

Project Duration

54 Days

Project Release Target

Windows (itch.io)

Weekly Commitment per Team Member

4 Hours

Usage Rights

All project cod…

February 22, 2024 11:59 PM

But you don't do any different? You still try to make a game.

Just, Windows Forms isn't meant for games. It's meant to make some GUI i guess.

So why do you invest time in learning about a GUI library, but not into learning about a library that gives sprites, tiled backgrounds, handling input, etc. fo…

February 09, 2024 03:28 PM
Game Dev Digest Issue #221 - Rendering Techniques and more

This article was originally published on GameDevDigest.com

Enjoy another issue, I hope you find something useful!

Efficient GPU Rendering for Dynamic Instances in Game Development - This article explores a custom rendering architecture designed to efficiently render procedurally generated geometry. …

January 19, 2024 03:28 PM
Game Dev Digest Issue #219 - Level Up Your Code

This article was originally published on GameDevDigest.com

Enjoy another week of tutorials, tips and good coding practices!

PID Controllers in Unity3D - This post will cover the use of PID controllers in video games. If you’ve ever used your car’s cruise control, flown a quadrocopter, or piloted a r…

January 16, 2024 04:06 PM
JSON Essentials in Unity Development

Hello everyone, I would like to share my article series about JSON essentials in Unity by using Newtonsoft. 

I explained and exemplified serialization and deserialization, beautification to json data output and creating custom json converter to serialize and deserialize interface and abstr…


I made a game engine by myself. It's actually based on GameMaker, but the programming language is C#. I have copied (and actually still doing this, as this project is not finished yet) all of the GML functions and variables to C# (for example, bool PlaceMeeting<T>(double x, double y), void In…

November 01, 2023 05:27 AM
Devlog #1: Dialogue System

One of my main goals when starting this project was to use it as a learning opportunity (and it got me a job,  so hey, I guess it worked)! To that end, I was going to avoid using plugins or pre-made things wherever possible. But as I got in to it, I identified a few things that would be too mu…

September 26, 2023 03:11 PM

toaderman said:
Does anyone have any advice on how to start out or recommend any good courses on how to learn Unity and C#?

This depends on your goals.

If your goal is to just make something, then it doesn't really matter much, get whatever you want to dive in to your learning journey. Unity's website…


Project Name: Yami

Program/Language: [Unity using C#, version 2020.1.2F1, GitLab use for version control.]

Roles Required: [Programmer, Social Media Manager]

Unity Programmer

This position requires knowledge of git and or Sourcetree as well as some experience working on a team and reading others code. …

void ToggleValueChanged(Toggle change)
	m_Text.text = data.Visit;
	m_Text.color =data. enabledColor;

void ChangeType(Toggle m_Toggle)

these are inside the body of

private void OnMarkerClick(OnlineMaps…
June 26, 2023 06:49 PM
Developing systems - Devlog #02

Last week I mentioned context and how I work better with it. Normally for me its looking over code or a system that's already implemented in some way learning how it works and then creating my own interpretation of it - one such system is the ‘new’ Input System. 

My project grew from the Third …


Here that I am creating a 2d platformer coding game in which have a dialogue panel as a questionnaire. My question is how to read and display information from a text file into a scroll view panel. I'm using the Unity game engine.

The words were not arranged:



@Coldmoon123 This looks interetsing. I am proficient with C# as well as a versitile programmer so I can develop with pre-existing code. I am assuming the build is within Unity Engine? DM me and becuase I would like to inquire about helping you out.

May 23, 2023 04:48 PM

Okay, I am working on it rn the objective is the user must write or input things on the text field when if its true the movement function is invoked, the scenario seems like that. Just wanna make sure that everything goes on the button click when the input field value was true then it points to the…


Looking for some help designing my model classes properly for an entity framework, code-first, approach.

I'll create the github repo and post the link here later today. Really looking to get some pair programming help over the weekend for an hour or two. Just want to understand it more.

Any help is a…

Observer patterns using static events

inmaculada said:
which is the usual approach to implementing the observer pattern without explicitly adding the observers to the subject instance? If static events are generally used in this way, are there any downsides to it?

How else would object A know to notify object B unless somehow B is associ…

March 22, 2023 07:08 PM
NeoAxis Game Engine 2023.1 Released

NeoAxis company releases a new version of NeoAxis Engine, a versatile real-time platform for making 3D, 2D games and apps.

The release includes significant licensing changes, graphics improvements, a new physics engine, multiplayer support and many new add-ons. Now available for free a road construc…

March 02, 2023 10:55 AM

@Alberth I see, thank you for your insights, I didn't know the compiler countered inefficiencies like that. And the human readability to make performance optimizations easier makes sense too.

I like to try for both at the same time though usually. Having a bunch of variables initialized at the start…

March 01, 2023 08:15 AM
Making enemy Ai for my game - Shape devlog

Testing and making enemy AI Boss with a dashing mechanism 

The enemy will follow the player in an idle state and the timer between attacks will play 

After the timer completes its cycle the enemy begins to turn to attack mode

Before the enemy dash, it will play the moving path to demo…



As the title says I'm looking to find a few people to work on a project I'm going to publish on steam.

The Idea:

The main core loop of the game will be exploration, puzzle solving and simple melee weapon combat but also collecting equipment to use (Think of tunic and BOTW)

Disciplines I'm Looking Fo…

November 29, 2022 03:02 AM

the randomized value is where the error is

November 11, 2022 12:00 PM

The things you mention that you are lacking knowledge in are some of the fundamentals of computer programming. Studying those and more will give you a better view on how to program in general, and make you a better programmer inside and outside Unity.

EDIT: If you want to make a living in programmin…

September 30, 2022 11:55 AM

I personally learned a lot from the ‘Game programming patterns and best experiences’ book (by John P. Doran).

Linear Interpolation Explained

Linear interpolation is everywhere. Games, 3D animation, image creation tools and much more all rely heavily on interpolation, so having a thorough understanding of linear interpolation is extremely important.

This text is somewhat geared towards game developers, however it's general enough to apply…

March 03, 2022 06:10 PM
NeoAxis Game Engine 2022.1 Released

NeoAxis company releases a new version of NeoAxis Engine, a versatile real-time platform for making 3D, 2D games and apps.

NeoAxis 2022.1 includes the bigger amount of improvements of any release in the last 3 years. Made many graphics and editor improvements, new game specific components were added…

January 14, 2022 02:16 PM
Game Dev Digest Issue #124 - New Features

This article was originally published on GameDevDigest.com

Learn about new features, ScriptableObjects, and some great open source projects. Enjoy!

Should you use ScriptableObject to store settings in Unity? - While passing technical interviews, the topic of using ScriptableObjects was raised a lot …

Optimizing your game with coroutines (Unity and C# tutorial)
I show how to Optimize slow methods in Unity by converting them to coroutines and distribute the calculations over multiple frames.
Venatus Games
August 29, 2021 10:20 PM
Nightfall DevBlog - Now in Color

Folks – it's that time again. We're back for another blog post… and it's a doozy! We're bringing more variety to the game than ever before and that's what this blog post focuses on. We've been hard at work on the Alpha release of the game and we're very excited to share our progress si…

August 02, 2021 10:43 PM
NeoAxis Game Engine 2021.3 Released

NeoAxis company releases a new version of NeoAxis Engine, a universal platform for making real-time 3D, 2D projects and window apps. The platform is intended to develop all kinds of 3D and 2D projects such as computer games, simulators, visual trainers, VR systems and to develop window apps with ri…

June 04, 2021 01:50 PM
NeoAxis Game Engine 2021.2 Released

NeoAxis company releases a new version of NeoAxis Engine, an integrated development environment with built-in 3D/2D game engine. The environment can be used to develop all kinds of 3D and 2D projects such as computer games, visual trainers, VR systems, to visualize processes and develop windowed ap…

Venatus Games
May 12, 2021 01:55 PM
Nightfall DevBlog - Light the Night!

We're a little late for this but – Happy New Year! Hard to believe this is our first blog post of 2021. Time really flies. As per usual, we've been caught up in the whirlwind that is life. Unfortunately, I had a brush with COVID-19 that was not so fun, and a lot of our team membe…

May 10, 2021 09:53 PM
NeoAxis announces a new licensing for the NeoAxis Engine

NeoAxis company announces a new licensing for their flagship product the NeoAxis Engine.

The versatile 3D/2D project development environment NeoAxis Engine has reached significant development. This is a full-fledged product, it has a lot of features. In the near future, NeoAxis Engine 2021.2 will be…

March 15, 2021 12:59 PM
NeoAxis Engine 2021.1 Released

NeoAxis company releases a new version of NeoAxis Engine, an integrated development environment with built-in 3D/2D game engine. The environment can be used to develop all kinds of 3D and 2D projects such as computer games, visual trainers, VR systems, to visualize processes and develop windowed ap…

November 18, 2020 03:19 AM
NeoAxis Game Engine 2020.8 Released, with a new product NeoAxis Education

NeoAxis company releases a new version of NeoAxis Engine, an integrated development environment with built-in 3D/2D game engine. The environment can be used to develop all kinds of 3D and 2D projects such as computer games, visual trainers, VR systems, to visualize processes and develop windowed ap…

PVS-studio team
November 10, 2020 07:59 AM
PVS-Studio for Indie Developers

Independent game developers, whether single enthusiasts or teams, are faced with the grave problem of having to eliminate bugs from their code. Most independent developers and even studios can't afford the amounts of resources available to large companies to spend on testing and long debugging. And…

Venatus Games
October 28, 2020 12:47 AM
Nightfall DevBlog - The Challenges of Game Dev

Hello survivors of the night! How have you been? It's been six months since our last blog post. Just over a half a year. We took a good long break from creating these blogs as it put a lot of added stress onto our development and at the end of the day, Nightfall is still a hobby projec…

October 21, 2020 09:05 PM
NeoAxis Game Engine 2020.7 Released

NeoAxis company releases a new version of NeoAxis Engine, an integrated development environment with built-in 3D/2D game engine. The environment can be used to develop all kinds of 3D and 2D projects such as computer games, visual trainers, VR systems, to visualize processes and develop windowed ap…

October 19, 2020 01:16 PM
Coding Guideline for Unity C#

As a programmer, it is very important to follow a coding standard and make sure others can read and easily understand his code. While there’s not majority guideline of coding standard in Unity and C#, you can somehow write whatever you like, but in this article I’m going to show you our style and f…

October 08, 2020 06:33 PM
Writing readable code (tips and guides)

If you're a seasoned programmer, you might know this already, but it's also likely that you ignore it for the same reason.

 I am a huge fan of writing clear, readable code, so in stead of a pure devblog, I wanted to spend some time on what I think should be adopted by every programmer - readabi…

October 05, 2020 06:16 PM
NeoAxis Engine 2020.6 Released - Now with Android support

NeoAxis company releases a new version of NeoAxis Engine, an integrated development environment with built-in 3D and 2D game engine. The environment can be used to develop all kinds of 3D and 2D projects such as computer games, visual trainers, VR systems, to visualize processes and develop windowe…

Throwing Exceptions as Expressions in Unity — The C# 7 Way

Things have evolved in C# 7, but many programmers still haven't. Today, let's talk about throwing exceptions in Unity — the C# 7 way —.

Indeed, exceptions are a tricky topic. If you mention them, devs will run to you and demand that you lower your voice.

Game developers generally dislike exceptions. …

July 26, 2020 12:57 AM
Customizable Foods and Scriptable Hazards

For the past month or so, I've been working on and off on this project. In addition to fixing bugs and refactoring code, I've improved some ease of access and quality of life aspects such as turning customer slider timers into numbers, adding more tooltip functionality, and stopping time when the p…

July 11, 2020 02:55 PM
GUI WPF + OpenGL 3.1

We will see how to place OpenTK.GLControl on WPF window to make GUI application with 2D/3D graphics using modern OpenGL 3.

How to create the project from scratch

Note 1: RMB - Right Mouse Button click
Note 2: Good Color calculator for normalized values: http://doc.instantreality.org/tools/color_calcu…

June 16, 2020 01:23 PM
SFML C# OpenGL. Draw a triangle using shaders

We will use OpenTK 4 version because it supports .NET Core.

Install VSCode and .NET Core SDK. Follow the instruction: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/dotnet

Create and an empty folder (with a name, for example: SfmlNetAndOpenTK4DotNetCore) and go to it:

cd SfmlNetAndOpenTK4DotNetCore


May 05, 2020 05:17 AM
I have the bare bones of the application up and running again!!


So I decided to get back to my hobby Text Adventure Game project a week ago or so, but going has been slow. I have been fluffing about a lot in BodHi (a super light weight build of Ubuntu), screwing with MonoDevelop and SFML.NET. I even took a look at HAXE. It is important to me that th…

May 04, 2020 09:03 PM
BI - Devblog[#3]
Good evening everyone!

In today's DevBlog, we’ll talk a bit about the promised inventory and how it works.

Shop Mechanic

When we thought about the inventory, we wanted to make a traditional store, where in some corner of the screen there will be a panel with towers that you can buy.However, this idea…

Get Started Now With Performance Optimization — Learning Resources for Unity Addressables 2020+

[Visit the original site at Unity Addressables: Learning Resources]

You probably heard how addressables can help you optimize your Unity game: RAM usage, loading times, iteration times, content update with cloud storage...

But you might be confused about where to start learning addressables.

That I un…

Venatus Games
April 03, 2020 03:00 AM
Nightfall - DevBlog #8
The player stumbles across a vein of coal… Introduction 

Welcome back! In the month and half since our last post, the world has changed quite a bit. While I don't mean it as a pun, both the real world and Nightfall's world are much different from what they were at the time of our last blog pos…
