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The best storline ever?

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115 comments, last by boolean 20 years, 11 months ago
Has anyone played the English/American version of Snatcher?

I played it on the MegaCD, also called Sega32x I believe. The story in that game was very cool. Although The action limited itself to shooting nine boxes, the role playing element of talking to people using the menu, and using the menu for pretty much everything else I suppose, was very interesting. I was hooked on the storyline, the eery music was very well done. IT was just a damn well polished game.

I played the extended version, which continues on after killing the Boss, can''t remember his name. But believe that is where the original left off.

You can download free emulators for the MegaCD, I think that''s legal, but I never tried to get the rom because I used the CD, im pretty sure that would be illegal (so don''t do it kids).

So, yeah, best story ever, snatcher.
hmm.. the best storyline EVER, in all forms of narrative would definitely be one of a book. But which book?

As for Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, they''re making it into a film in 2004 (!!). The game was actually based on the movie script or something like that. I remember thinking to myself "The storyline is just like the films" when I was playing it in ''93.
Of course that doesn''t prove anything.
AFAIK, the next Indy movie has nothing to do with Fate of Atlantis..

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***Symphonic Aria,specialising in music for games, multimedia productions and film. Listen to music samples on the website, www.symphonicaria.com.
quote: Original post by Cyberpawz
quote: Original post by Kiyoko
quote: Original post by Cyberpawz

The only place that is close to having a good plot (but lousy game play in my opinion) is the Baldurs Gate series. You make up your own mind of what to do, although there are parts that HAVE to be done, but overall, you have a choice one way or another.


I bet you haven''t played Planescape:Torment, right? It''s pretty much like BG but with a much more interesting story and much much cooler characters with amazing background histories that expands the plot a lot.

Actually I did, and beat it... but it was to a point where you had almost 20 things to do at once, it stopped being a game, and started to be a chore. There is a difference between having multiple endings, and a open plot line, but the issue is that you play and play, and play, and play, then you find an item that you started off with one quest at the beginning, and it''s 1/2 way across the map, and like hell you can remember where the person was in the first place.

FF3/6 was the same way, but at least it didn''t give you so many things to do at once...


I thought that was the difference between a linear plot and an open plot that is effected by your actions? If you couldn''t do multiple things at a time it would be very open, would it? It all depends on how you play the game; if you go around asking everyone you see if they have a quest for you, you''ll end up with a lot of things to do, but if you stay focused you won''t have more than 3-4 quests at a time. What I really like about the game is the dialogs and how they are used to progress the plot and - more importantly - the characters (Dak''kon rulez all!).

*Know* yourself.
Thank you, AP! Another classic gamer

I think I mentioned a couple of the games you listed, but all the ones you commented on certainly are worthy of note... I love em!

And "The Dig" WAS a book first, by an awesome author too - (IMHO, at least), Alan Dean Foster. The game actually does the book credit, too. Fun to play, great to read.

The Police Quest, Space Quest, Kings Quest, QFG, etc were cool too. Basically, anything Sierra or LucasArts.

Anyways, I love this thread... And of course, the old games.

(red eye)
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Zelda-link to the past, greatest game ever. don''t forget secret of mana either!
Now Secret of Mana is a interesting choice. I was going to mention that myself, but by todays standards, the plot is a bit so-so. However, when I played it I was sooo drawn into the game its crazy. It is a very generic plot, but it was done so well and added so many new aspects to the story and characters. I compare this to the movie ''The terminator''. Such a generic idea, but done extremely well.
Has no one mentioned Exile (esp. Exile 3) by Spiderweb? Wow...

The surface is ruled by the empire, who bans all prisoners to an underground series of caves called Exile. An archmage banned to Exile teleports back, and kills the emperor. Ensues a war between Exile and the Empire, won by the former only through the help of an ancient race of underground-dewellers. Years later, Exile teleports a group of explorers to the surface, on a continent called Valorim, to check if exiles can come back up again.

However, the continent is filled with beasts running amok, although the Empire had already killed anything hostile : slimes (evidence shows the Exile archmage mentioned above created them), giant roaches (evidence shows dragons, native to Exile, created them), ever-at-war troglodytes and giants (magically recreated extinct species, but by who?), deadly golems (evidence shows the ancient race created them), undead ruled by undying vampires or shades or demons, alien beasts (man-tall pitbulls with six legs and a 360°-spinning head of magical origin). Incriminating evidence is heavy against all Empire-haters, but they must be stopped. In the end, characters discover who it was all about, and destroy it/them/him/her.

Alongside with this, side quests show the struggle of non-human species for life in a xenophobical realm, the search for 7 legendary artifacts, your constant escaping from Empire troops (who want to kill Exiles, remember?), dealing with dragons, undead, magical once-per-century haunted towers, etc... In a gigantic world with around 220 towns, castles, caves and fortresses to explore.

So go buy it!!! (by the way, I''ve just talked myself into reinstalling it, hehe. Great job, Jeff Vogel!!!)


The games with the best storylines for me were always the ones i couldnt put donw not because they were fun to play but because i couldnt wait to see what happened next

*1 The monkey island series you just cant beat the tails of guybrush threepwood
*2 Indiana jones and the fate of atlantis great story line took ages to finish all 4 pathways and it was interesting how they all crosse over but with different adventures in the same places
*3 Halo i finished in 3 days because i couldnt put it down and it was even more fun replaying in harder modes
*4 Command and Conquer series i just love the story and NOD rules
*5 and i quiet liked Thief 2:The metal age scared the shit out of me at night when i was drunk one time it was cool how you slowly uncovered this secret plot pitty my CD got snapped in half

Feel free to coment on my choices and no picking of Guybrush he''s my hero
The Secret of Monkey Island.

.. and death shall have no dominion.

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