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Alternate Universe

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43 comments, last by neogoukix 20 years, 3 months ago
quote: Original post by neogoukix
Where''s your bright ideas? I''d love to see them, you people here are worse than than some of the people on SNK-Capcom.com, DAMN
I bet not one person who has replied to this thread read the whole thing, So come wise guy I wanna see your big blockbuster Idea thats gonna blow the industry away. If you dont have one then Shut the hell up!!!!!!!!!!

I''m a writer, not a game designer, bud. But hey, if you wanna see my ideas, they''re on my site. ^_^

And plus, as most anyone will tell you, no one will steal ideas because they more than likely have a million of they''re own.

URL: http://www.kagegamer.com/orionx103
Stop insulting neogoukix, Orionx, he just brought us an idea, and even if you don''t think it''s that great, instead of just saying that it sucks, tell him what''s wrong with it. I haven''t seen anything positive except that it needs to be better orginized. Perhaps if you give Neo a chance, he''ll pollish what he has to be something great.

Neo, the whole point of the site is to open up and present your ideas to us. If you worry about people stealing all your ideas, then you''ll end up like Golum. Whenever anyone asks you to provide us with more info, you''ll respond. "No!!! No one may see ''My Precious''!" Let us see it and I can at least promise for myself that I won''t steal it. I have enough ideas of my own to deal with right now. If anyone does stoop so low as to steal your idea, I''ll back you up as it''s creator. So, start from the begining and give us some idea of what we can expect from the first hour or so of playing.

To the rest of you, NO MORE INSULTS!!! Most of you know what it''s like to have an idea ridiculed, I know I do, so keep comments constructive and avoid calling an idea crap, sucky, stupid, or any other such word.
____________________________________________________________unofficial Necromancer of GameDev forums Game Writing section
quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
yeah, he's a kid. Look... No one cares about this. I posted a design doc, clean it up, post your life changing story, then maybe we'll comment. I would actually bet money that your idea is crapped on by hundreds of people. It's not very original, it does'nt flow, it's childish and un detailed. If you notice, most games don't actually have an entire universe based around them. They only give the illusion by referencing them. You need to start smaller. One detailed scene, with characters that immediately make an impact on the reader. Most games do this visually so how about getting a concept artist? You have gotten crits on this, and immediately resorted to insulting us. Have yoe ver thought that we're right? It just sucks man, take the crit and improve it. Get used to crits or find another industy to work in.

Hes right. There are 100's of posts ever year from people asking for some valid input into thier game. They post a link and say any feedback would be good. What is always on the site is a mish-mash of game CONCEPTS and what they think would be fun. So people start posting saying 'comment on what? Theres nothing much to comment on!' which always has the origonal poster come back, ranting and raving about how this board sux.

It kind of annoys me that they EXPECT people to wade knee deep through horrible formatting and half-assed writing to give them asskissing feedback. There are many people who have been on this forum a LONG time, and when they ask for feeback they know that the members are busy and try to make the item they need feedback on as easy to read as possible. Its a two way street.

So if you want some valid input, dont expect people to sit down for 2 hours to figure out what your webpage is on about. I mean with lines like the one below, Technogoth is spot on.

this is my idea for a fighting game. it would be a 3d tournament set on one island. the arenas can be damaged and can affect the other arenas. like a tree knocked down might hit a building in the next arena and stuff like that.

..Stuff like that? How can you expect long detailed replys when you send us lines like this?

You want input on your story? Why not post your story instead of a webpage which is one huge 'you know what would make a game cool?' page. Look around the forum a bit first and see how others ask for help. (in fact, I still cant find any trace of a story line on that page)

Im not flaming you, and I would very much like to see what you have done so far. But dont expect me to sit down for 2 hours tryng to read a page you made, simply because you didnt want to take more than 20 minutes writing it beacause you were busy.
[edit: typos]

[edited by - boolean on March 26, 2004 9:43:27 PM]
quote: Original post by RichardMV
Stop insulting neogoukix, Orionx...

Hey there, I never insulted the guy. I told him what was wrong with it. I didn''t tell him the page was a flaming pile, so until I do, don''t tell me to stop insulting him.

...tell him what''s wrong with it. I haven''t seen anything positive except that it needs to be better orginized. I haven''t seen anything positive except that it needs to be better orginized.

I did tell him what''s wrong with it. I told him it should be better organized. I even took up for him when he was called a twelve year old. How''s that for being positive?
Allright lets clear this bull up, I did''nt mean that someone

would steal ideas from the story, that would''nt happen in a

million years thats why the story is the way it is. My idea for

the game is what i''m hiding, Why? cause i''m 100% percent sure

the idea has never been used before it''s been used but not the

way I plan to use it. I''m glad to let all of you know that I''m

putting together a Plot Guide for AU and its sequels and the 15-

page background prequel if you will it should be finished either

Wed or Thurs and i''m stripping my webpage of the crap I posted

and orionx103 i''ll see this project of yours
Finish the design doc, mail it to yourself. Ghetto copyrighting, then yo can share your ideas. Or it''s only 10-15$ to copyright a document via the govt. services. If you cant share yoru idea no one can crit it, so you might as well not post it till it''s done.

I''m mr. anonymous from the last few pages. Just FYI.

You seriously need to stop taking crits as insults. They are how we and everyone else in the world see''s your ideas. Just change what we say. It''s that simple. You make games for other people, not for yourself. Did you even bother reading that design document template I posted?
Not to throw a monkey wrench into all this lovey-dovey stuff, but you can''t copyright an idea - let''s just throw that away with the bath water right now.

You can copyright your story, you can copyright your game design, trademark your character names and game names, you can copyright your images. Your idea? Wide open.

So if you think you''ve come up with some concept that will shock the universe, then by all means hide it and save it until you''re close to finish; this way no one can mimic your earth-shattering concept.

But don''t expect reasonable criticism, since you''ve provided absolutely nothing worthwhile to critique - all in the name of "secrecy".

Just my two bytes worth.
[font "arial"] Everything you can imagine...is real.
I''m not directly involved in this conversation, but I have to interject that on most occasions when someone hides their idea to prevent it from being stolen and copied by those vultures in the game industry, it seldom lives up to the hype.

Some are good ideas, some are not, but none of them are ever entirely original. I''m going to guess that if you post your idea here, neogoukix, it will either be a simple crossover, like a fighting RPG or a first-person puzzle game, or else it will be some kind of off-the-wall pipe dream about being able to get a part-time job as a newspaper reporter to fund your world-saving hobby, and shooting the breeze with completely coherent, Turing-test-passing NPCs.

In the first case, get over yourself. In the second, good luck. In either case, I''m not too worried about never reading another few pages that you write, so feel no obligation to post your grand new idea.
Man what do you guys want, do you want me to post the whole story up or something. Anyway I understand what all of you mean and it''s beeing fixed why don''t some of you ignore this thread for a few days since no feedback is being given.
quote: Original post by RichardMV
Neo, the whole point of the site is to open up and present your ideas to us... Start from the begining and give us some idea of what we can expect from the first hour or so of playing.

I said that at about the begining of the second page, a few days ago.

____________________________________________________________unofficial Necromancer of GameDev forums Game Writing section

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