
[4E4] Post yer Screenshots

Started by June 28, 2005 12:45 PM
717 comments, last by 18 years, 10 months ago
Quote: Original post by mikeman
Quote: Original post by Sneftel
Don't be too taken aback by incredible-looking screenshots. Remember, this contest focuses on gameplay, not eye candy.

I totally agree. Guys, those screenshots are nice but don't really mean much, remember that the more you spend making the graphics, the less you spend on the actual gameplay. A game with 2D programmer art but awesome gameplay could be the winner(in fact, I'm kinda hoping this will be the case).

Me too [wink]

Quote: Original post by Sneftel
Don't be too taken aback by incredible-looking screenshots. Remember, this contest focuses on gameplay, not eye candy.

Exactly. Thats probably why I am going to get owned.[grin]
I haven't decided if I'm going to compete in the contest or not.

The texture on the terrain is quite lame, but it's generated at runtime. And the sky is horrible.

That is some pretty nifty looking water. Is it done using a cube map and normal mapping on the water?
Quote: Original post by skittleo
Moe- It looks like he's using a cube map for reflection, and using a distortion map to create that wave effect on the water. I doubt he's using a normal map. That would give it a bump-mapped appearance, and really I don't see that. Let's see what he has to say though.

Sorry, I guess I don't know my graphics programming as well as I should. I meant to ask if he was using some sort of a normal map to distort the cube map.

Quote: Original post by skittleo
... I have just been reading up on this kind of stuff.

Well, in that case, I am probably wrong.

I am actually not using a cube map.

I render the world three times. One extra for reflection and one for refraction. So if I add some models or a dynamic sky, they would be nicely reflected/refracted too.

It goes something like this:
m_pbuffer->enable(); //Should probably use the new OGL 2.0 stuff, which I don't                      //remember the name of right now.m_camera->LookReflect(m_waterHeight);glEnable(GL_CLIP_PLANE0);glClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE0, m_reflectPlane);Render_Things_That_Should_Be_Reflected();m_reflectTex->CopyFromViewport();//Then same thing for refraction, but set the clipping plane to only render underwater stuff//Then render everything like normal and the water with a pixel/vertex shader

The reflection and refraction textures are then distorted with a normal map.
This is the fragment (I'm using CG...) shader:
float3 dir = normalize(; // I don't use this yet	float3 normal = tex2D(normalMap, t1.xy).xyz - tex2D(normalMap, t2.xy).xyz;	t0.xy += normal.xy * eyeDir.w;      // Reflection coordst3.xy += normal.xy/2.0f * eyeDir.w; // Don't want to distort the refraction too much...		float3 reflect = tex2Dproj(reflectMap, t0).xyz;float3 refract = tex2Dproj(refractMap, t3).xyz; = lerp(refract, reflect, 0.7f) + float3(-0.05, 0.0, 0.05); //Just to make it a little more bluecol.a = 1.0;

This is a quite simple shader and I haven't worked much on it. The normal map isn't as good as I want and I should also add some fresnel stuff like skittleo suggested.

[Edited by - MickePicke on July 1, 2005 12:41:57 PM]
Looks really good! Keep up the great work everyone.
Quote: Original post by Sneftel
Don't be too taken aback by incredible-looking screenshots. Remember, this contest focuses on gameplay, not eye candy.
That's what I'm hoping! However I still get worried that a fun little 2D game (think tetris or JezzBall) would have no change against a beautiful 3D world with great animated zombies and you with a gun.
Quote: Original post by MickePicke
I am actually not using a cube map.

I render the world three times. One extra for reflection and one for refraction. So if I add some models or a dynamic sky, they would be nicely reflected/refracted too.

* source code snippets removed *

This is a quite simple shader and I haven't worked much on it. The normal map isn't as good as I want and I should also add some fresnel stuff like skittleo suggested.

Thats pretty cool. How do you find the performance to be?

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