
Your Progress so Far?

Started by September 26, 2005 05:01 AM
38 comments, last by rKallmeyer 18 years, 10 months ago
We are going alfa this week... maybe invite some players for the MOG. Hope to be in beta for the end of next month.

i'm shooting for a 45-60 minute playtime.
Quote: Original post by nes8bit
while we're on this long is the play time for your games?

I'm aiming for about around 40 hours. Here's the idea:

1) start the game.
2) sensory overload on the title screen. (siezure lights)
3) pass out for 38 hours.
4) regain consiousness.
5) finish the game.

On a more serious note, I'm around 70% done with my game. I might need to cut out multiplayer if enough bugs pop up, but we'll see in testing.
Quote: Original post by Nuget5555
I might need to cut out multiplayer if enough bugs pop up

Is there ever such thing as "enough bugs" ?

So does this mean everyone is still developing their games? I thought by now people should have testing for at least 2 weeks. O_o
Quote: Original post by nes8bit
So does this mean everyone is still developing their games? I thought by now people should have testing for at least 2 weeks. O_o

I wish, i still need to animate player models, complete lighting and design a few levels, integrate sound and complete (basic) physics.

I'm doomed because i am developing an engine that i hope to extend for the next few years, so i can't just rush it now or everything i do will be meaningless and confusing.

If i'm lucky i can get a 3d artist to work for me, in that case the game will definately have a 60-minute playtime, if not it will be a crappy low quality 30 at most.

Anyway, good luck everyone!
Why choose the contest as the time to begin work on a project estimated to take years? Why not do that after the contest, and concentrate on making a whole game now, not a demo of your prototype engine.

And by the way, real game engines are quickly knocked-up prototypes with more and more features added in over the following years - so rushing is not a problem there!!
I have been really progressing. Game mechanics complete, sub games complete, artwork complete, splash page complete, demo system completed, started working on intro sequence, upgraded graphics with different paths for different hardware.
Got three people to test it all, and it only worked on one machine.. AAARGH
Oooo, sub-games! A nice touch AFAIC. I'd love to put a really random sub-game in my RTS which has nothing to do with the main game at all; I really liked it when old games were like this and the programmer put a bit of fun into the game. I just don't think I have the time to spare!
Quote: Original post by d000hg
Why choose the contest as the time to begin work on a project estimated to take years?
I started the project somewhere this summer as a last-minute project for college, it worked pretty well and i decided to further extend it so why start all over again and not use that engine instead?

Quote: Original post by d000hgAnd by the way, real game engines are quickly knocked-up prototypes with more and more features added in over the following years - so rushing is not a problem there!!

Yeah i know, but i'm not a professional and i tend to forget things which i will need later on but are a pain in the a to integrate then. It's not a perfect plug it in and it'll work engine but it works.

Anyway, it's no big deal if things like refractions and parallax mapping don't work (and don't worry, they won't), i know i can add them when i (and my pc) feel like it :).
Sadly enough, I don't think I will be getting anything in this year[crying]. The homework load has gone through the roof, and not having really used C++ or DirectX for the past 3 years hasn't helped. My final though/attempt at getting an entry in would have been some little game thrown together in VB.NET - probably a tic-tac-toe but done so that each player can pick what they want to be - a pirate, robot, zombie or ninja. Considering I haven't started on it and that I have midterms coming up, I don't think I will actually get anything in.

Ah, the memories... I guess there is always next year...(sorry Nessy!)

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