
Your Progress so Far?

Started by September 26, 2005 05:01 AM
38 comments, last by rKallmeyer 18 years, 10 months ago
Today I plan to finish ALL the coding, and then spend the next three weeks doing some programmer art.

Just a couple of things I've noticed/learned today:

The "sizeof" of an array is different from that of a pointer that points to that array. That one took me about 25 minutes.

And for those "You know that you are a programmer/computer geek if" topics:
You know if you are a programmer if you have more programs installed to c:\ than to c:\Program Files.

Good luck to everyone.
I'm about 50% complete with my game; I nearly have all the art done, but a lot needs to be coded and level layouts need to be worked on. I'm spending a lot more time debugging and testing than I thought I would.
___________________________Z2 Gamesfeaturing Zirconia 2: Battle [4E4], Cognizance, and Boxxed
Unfortunately, I'm not going to well. I have taken a new path though. And with me, I have taken a list containing high, medium and low priority items. Every item on the high priority list is a must-do. Medium would be nice, low could be seen as a bonus.
At the moment I consider myself a happy man if, at the end of the path, I have completed everything on the high priority list :)
That sounds sensible. I started writng a proper task list the other day but only listed a few big areas which I ned to actually work on to see how long they'll take.
Luckily, there's only a few crucial elements for an RTS game - creating a base+army, getting from place to place, attacking stuff, having an AI to attack who can actually do something, menu system, in-game interface. Oh and maybe resource-gathering for a classical RTS and load/save for a campaign mode. Anything else is tuning, polish etc to a greater/lesser extent.
Of those 6 crucial things I have 3 of the biggest ones in place.
Quote: Original post by Traveler
Unfortunately, I'm not going to well. I have taken a new path though. And with me, I have taken a list containing high, medium and low priority items. Every item on the high priority list is a must-do. Medium would be nice, low could be seen as a bonus.
At the moment I consider myself a happy man if, at the end of the path, I have completed everything on the high priority list :)

Thats exactly what we had to do back in mid august. We listed out everything we could think of that we had to do and prioritized them on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being a must do to qualify, 2 - must do to be fun, 3 - should do, 4- would be nice, 5 - extra.

So far we cut out 4 and 5 completely, and are looking to get all of 1-3 done for the contest. But that was a huge help in scheduling out our time and we plan on using that method again for our next game.

We have almost all of 1 done, most of 2 and are partway thru 3 right now.
Quote: Original post by Selsesstissan
Quote: Original post by Traveler
Unfortunately, I'm not going to well. I have taken a new path though. And with me, I have taken a list containing high, medium and low priority items. Every item on the high priority list is a must-do. Medium would be nice, low could be seen as a bonus.
At the moment I consider myself a happy man if, at the end of the path, I have completed everything on the high priority list :)

Thats exactly what we had to do back in mid august. We listed out everything we could think of that we had to do and prioritized them on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being a must do to qualify, 2 - must do to be fun, 3 - should do, 4- would be nice, 5 - extra.

So far we cut out 4 and 5 completely, and are looking to get all of 1-3 done for the contest. But that was a huge help in scheduling out our time and we plan on using that method again for our next game.

We have almost all of 1 done, most of 2 and are partway thru 3 right now.

Cool. Reminds me of Jay Barnson's approach. (Required reading for anyone who is wondering how they'll ever make the deadline).

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

Quote: Original post by superpig
Quote: Original post by Selsesstissan
Quote: Original post by Traveler
Unfortunately, I'm not going to well. I have taken a new path though. And with me, I have taken a list containing high, medium and low priority items. Every item on the high priority list is a must-do. Medium would be nice, low could be seen as a bonus.
At the moment I consider myself a happy man if, at the end of the path, I have completed everything on the high priority list :)

Thats exactly what we had to do back in mid august. We listed out everything we could think of that we had to do and prioritized them on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being a must do to qualify, 2 - must do to be fun, 3 - should do, 4- would be nice, 5 - extra.

So far we cut out 4 and 5 completely, and are looking to get all of 1-3 done for the contest. But that was a huge help in scheduling out our time and we plan on using that method again for our next game.

We have almost all of 1 done, most of 2 and are partway thru 3 right now.

Cool. Reminds me of Jay Barnson's approach. (Required reading for anyone who is wondering how they'll ever make the deadline).

Yea, actually I read that article a little bit before the contest. Excellent resource!
arghh!! i wish i've known about this contest earlier!
Making a shooter with rpg components since you can construct buildings at your base, make robots to help you fight,install all kinds of stuff on your ship,etc. Still have no sounds or music!
I didn't notice the contest either before this week, so I'm only on the project since monday. Got some basic art and game mechanics finished, still need to tweak the physics, create extra art stuff and think about networking... Among a great many other things :)

Anyway, here's a little trailer of the game (~2MB WMV, lowres version). I just happened to have Klaus Badelt's masterpiece playing in the background which got accidentaly recorded by fraps... ;)
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