
[4E5] Roll call!

Started by June 04, 2006 11:17 AM
228 comments, last by userjp 18 years ago
I'm in. Working up a multiplayer WW2 game with SDL.
My 4eV entry: Euro1943
I'll likely add a 4E5 game to my list of projects, but seeing as how that list is now 3 or 4 games long, I doubt I'll get anything done in time.
i'm in. beginners luck ftw! :)

it can't hurt to try.
Quote: Original post by supercat1
i'm in. beginners luck ftw! :)

it can't hurt to try.

Ya, not at all. It's a very good learning experience! 4E4 was the first comp I entered.. had great luck all the way to the end when things started corrupting.. couldn't finish my entry but i was damn close... going to re-use some old code for this one though. ;)

Check out my 4E6 progress!( Personal Guarantee! You will NOT get rick-rolled. )
hey, i know that feeling (of stuff working and then not). cause last night i converted some messy code for vector calculations from just functions floating around everywhere to an actual class, and after a stupid brain fart, it worked and so did my test case collision detection. then i went to put in another test map, and it of course crashed the program in a spot that has been correct since day one (texture loading to be specific). gotta love programming -- you spend days fixing one issue, you get all excited because it seems to work, then you get the seg fault, and you realize your troubles have just begun. yes! :)
My friend Andrew and I (representing our startup Altered Reality Entertainment) would like to take part this year.
Quote: Original post by djtesh
My friend Andrew and I (representing our startup Altered Reality Entertainment) would like to take part this year.

That reminds me of the team me and a friend from britain created years ago, called alternate realities.. Needless to say, he hired some people whom I strongly wanted off the team because they were passing copyrighted work off as their own.. I quickly got myself out of that one..


Tell me about it. Just the other night I wrote up the perfect gui control scheme, worked beautifully until I started implementing various details, which all seemed to work at the time. Next day I tested the whole system and viola! Nothing worked.. Took out the details but my control scheme kept failing miserably. I'm close to working it out but still set me back a bit..
Check out my 4E6 progress!( Personal Guarantee! You will NOT get rick-rolled. )
I hope to participate.. whether I actually get anything done is another matter.
I may aswell participate. It depends on if i get done with the game engine for my other game project (or just use an beta version of the engine for this game)
My blog about personal development for studying people -
I am participating too, I am going to use either Crystal Space or Torque for this project....

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