
[4E5] Screenshots and Art

Started by June 05, 2006 10:15 AM
351 comments, last by XDigital 17 years, 9 months ago
My for-the-moment-completed map editor:

I've loaded the map in the main app so far, but that's about it as far as a game goes. :(
It only takes one mistake to wake up dead the next morning.
I'm finally beginning to see some progress with my shader-driven 2D rendering system. Here's a screenshot displaying normal mapping, bloom lighting, and dynamic 2D hard-edged shadows:

The bloom effect is intentionally overdone in the image for demonstrative purposes. Now I really need to get to work on the game part of this contest. [grin]
Quote: Original post by medevilenemy
2) Revising it is possible, but I have no idea how. How in the world can a space shooter be modified to include, of all things, Europe?

How about you blow up the earth, so chunks of earth are now asteroids in space.
You base of operations could be on an asteroid made out of europe!
Well heres my masterpiece:

*** BLOCK-DUDE ***

Not much to do with europe yet but im planning on having levels like BigBen and Leaning Tower Of Pisa to climb up.
cNoob ftw
leaning tower, that sounds really fun lol!
woot for 2D!
Quote: Original post by nilkn
I'm finally beginning to see some progress with my shader-driven 2D rendering system. Here's a screenshot displaying normal mapping, bloom lighting, and dynamic 2D hard-edged shadows:

[pic removed]

Nice stuff! How long has it taken you to get to that point?

Quote: Original post by Moe
Nice stuff! How long has it taken you to get to that point?

Thanks. I've been working on this project for almost a month now. The first half was spent building the graphics engine for the game, and the second half was spent experimenting with quite a few visual effects. The three you see in the screenshot are the only ones that have made the final cut thus far.

I've still got some work to do on the graphics engine, though -- right now, I'm working on a more flexible materials system.
I'm officially a jack-of-all-trades! (well, not sound or music yet) I've made myself a catapult:

If you've got any suggestions on how to make it better, post them over here please.
___________________________________________________David OlsenIf I've helped you, please vote for PigeonGrape!
Wow all these screenshots are looking awesome, I look foward to playing each and everyone of these games once the contest is over. I just hope my entry will be good enough to be considered competition :-(.
This is amazing! I can't wait to play all of these!

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